Speaking words DVD,pledge thread

I find it hilarious that Devin Townsend's fundmusic project got funded within five hours and is currently above 350% with thousands of pledges and Scott has barely a quarter more than halfway in. I guess it could be due to the fact that this is for music and that the extra goes to his next Ziltoid album. I still like to think that it's because Dev is a genuinely nice dude whereas no one wants to hear Scott talk about himself.


warning: the album is not metal.
I find it hilarious that Devin Townsend's fundmusic project got funded within five hours and is currently above 350% with thousands of pledges and Scott has barely a quarter more than halfway in. I guess it could be due to the fact that this is for music and that the extra goes to his next Ziltoid album. I still like to think that it's because Dev is a genuinely nice dude whereas no one wants to hear Scott talk about himself.


warning: the album is not metal.

I think it comes down to two things:

1. Like you said, the other is music and the other is talking. I believe people are much more willing to pay for so music, even in 2014.

2. Devin's always had a great underground fanbase, but with DTP it has grown much, much bigger, and he's somewhat crossed over to mainstream. Really, I saw SYL at the height of their popularity and there were only hardcore fans there. DTP shows have plenty of kids and girls there.

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm putting Devin down, because I'm not. I'm a huge fan, love ALL his work, and I think he's a musical genious.