Special Guests?

Sautherom said:
will have special guests this year? some news about it?
Sorry Bro this thread has already been discussed and Glenn said he is working on it, but no hints as to who as of yet. I would love to see either Jorn Lande or John West. :hotjump:
Harvester said:
One fell through recently.

I'm working on another. However, I am not going to spend a ton of money this year as costs are up all around.

Glenn H.

I'd rather you put your funds elsewhere anyway. Having a special guest is a nice perk, but it's not going to make or break the festival either way.
edgeofthorns said:
I'd rather you put your funds elsewhere anyway. Having a special guest is a nice perk, but it's not going to make or break the festival either way.

edgeofthorns said:
I'd rather you put your funds elsewhere anyway. Having a special guest is a nice perk, but it's not going to make or break the festival either way.

You can almost guarantee that there will be some higher profile musicians that are going to the show just because of the show anyways? You would think anyways.

urinalcakemix said:
IS that supposed to be some sort of Roy Khan pun?

UM nope. its a swedish pun
