Special on metal in Iraq

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Ever wondered what is the deal for metalheads in Iraq? Now you can find out.
I found a link to this:
vbs.tv is currently running a fantastic and moving six part series called Heavy Metal Baghdad. It is a story about a group of guys and what they have to go through in a war torn country to play in a band. The first segment was about us sneaking into Iraq for the story, followed by the second segment which was about metal band Acrassicauda, and what they have to go through living in Iraq as metal heads.


Didn't have the time to check it out yet, but it sounds promising.
Yeah, heard about Accrassicauda about a year ago. It puts your "problems" back home in perspective, when you realise that it´s a matter of life and death, just going to fucking rehearsals!!!
And, as far as I remember their music was actually quite cool...
This is the first time I see a real video of Damascus and the life there, and its pretty much what I hear from friends of mine, but now I see the beauty of the streets.
Its a rare thing for most middle eastern people, to see a Real "other side", real cities, real people, real daily moments.

The gig looked fine, like an ordinery cover-band show in a pub here, but im bothered by the fact that there were no women in the crowd.
The band's english skills are as high as I expected, which also contribute to my understanding of the situation there.

I know that there are several Iraqi families who reached Israel as refugees, I dont know how, but they are here and the government dont want the press to talk about it more then just a minor mentioning on the newspapers.

The end of the document is pretty depressing, the guy in the band is taking out all of his frustraion on america (or the west in general), so its hard to blame him for his feelings. However, I dont see any good coming out of such attitude, I sure hope things will get better and other dictatorships in the world will learn the lesson the iraqi leadership learn, and prevent such suffering like the Iraqi's.
as an Iraqi am proud that we have a band ,but the band struggled alot to get out of the country cause you know how's Iraq right now..not too good for living ....so they went to Syria till they raised money and moved to Turkey
but they are in deep sh** there with no money (turkey is very expensive)

so if want to help in anyway ..I have found their website and there you can donate to help the band......this is the link:


Thank you for your patience (metal is forever)..........
Hey welcome in- its great to have a contribution from someone who knows the country. They way I see it; in metal we are all brothers and sisters, provided we treat everyone with respect.
Could you tell us something more about what its like to be a metalhead overthere? Do you know about Orphaned Land there? Have you seen the documentary of Sam Dunn that was on global metal and also covered parts of the middle east?