Special Talents??????

I can turn my elbow independant from my shoulder or wrist. Meaning, on my right arm, I can turn my elbow completely to the left without moving anything else.

I can also make the first joint on my fingers (the ones right below your fingernails) go horizontal, sort of like this: ___|

I sure hope that wasn't confusing. :)
ommm, i have a few things, they seem like alot when i list them, but they arent really that vast, its mainly groups of things(like circus acts and general music junk)

i can hit and hold oddly high pitches and can also growl and scream.
i used to play guitar from the age of 6 until about 3 years ago, i am actually taking it up again before anyone else calls me a twat for stopping, heh.
also play piano and a few other smaller things.

i am a pretty good fire breather/spinner/dancer.
i can tight lace my waist down to 8-10 inches below my natural waste without it hurting or making me faint....i think thats a tallent, :P, if you dont agree, you bloody try it, lol.
i can contort my body into weird positions.

i am the worst bowler i have ever known, :P.

do party tricks count?

I have a really long tongue = licking of chin (aswell....im not thaaaat special) But I can wiggle it (or whatever) really fast.

I can do that Star Wars peace sign with one hand, and the other hand alternate, then switch really fast with them. Eg - My left hand is doing this 'V' with my fingers while my right hand is doing this 'W' then my left goes to 'W' then right to 'V'.....hope u get my drift.
Well, I do make spudguns..
And I can make my body fall asleep with my mind dreaming, while still being aware of my surroundings (strangely satisfying).
And I climb buildings and stuff.
I can make mini X-Wing Fighter origamis... Fluently :D

Wow you all have like some exciting talents. I dont think i have any. Oh i have like a really weird throught. I can skull really fast and also can like deep throught really good. Not that, thats really exciting but yeah.
Wow you all have like some exciting talents. I dont think i have any. Oh i have like a really weird throught. I can skull really fast and also can like deep throught really good. Not that, thats really exciting but yeah.
sykosami said:
I can do that Star Wars peace sign with one hand, and the other hand alternate, then switch really fast with them. Eg - My left hand is doing this 'V' with my fingers while my right hand is doing this 'W' then my left goes to 'W' then right to 'V'.....hope u get my drift.
i can do that too and i know that Lord Red Dragon can make himself be a "minute-man" on purpouse (can't remember why he taught himself to do it though)