Speed of light, "broken"?

Can't read french... is it about quantum entanglement and teleporting quantum states at "instant" speed ?


Ah nvm the first link is in english :)
The french page translated

"If true, it is a true bomb to physics is a discovery as he comes all ages," says Thibault Damour, specialist of Einstein's relativity to the IHES (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques in Bures-sur-Yvette). The reason for this excitement is simple: a team of researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lyon showed that neutrinos "superluminal" very light particles, are able to travel faster than light. Phenomenon simply impossible according to the theory of relativity of Einstein, which defines the speed of light as an impassable limit for any object with a mass. If measures Autiero Dario and his colleagues at CNRS in Lyon are just, the whole of modern physics is reviewed. The consequences are so significant that all the experts are cautious and want to ask that the experience is replicated elsewhere, with another team, before throwing a blow to the trash all the work of Einstein on relativity.

Despite this, the French researchers' work appears very solid. He stood six months of audits by external colleagues called in to try to find a way, an error in the experiment. "It's so huge that we scared of having deceived somewhere, says Stavros Katsanevas, deputy director of the IN2P3 (National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics at CNRS). Since the first results in March, we made checks at the CNRS, and after at the Opera international experience, working on the neutrino detector. Nothing was found, and as information began to leak, it was decided to make it public now. "

Violation of the speed of light was observed on a beam of neutrinos, particles that interact almost no ultra-light with matter, produced by the accelerator at CERN, near Geneva, and detected under the mountain of Gran Sasso , in the Apennines in central Italy. It was expected that neutrinos pass through unhindered and 731 km of crust that separates the two science facilities at nearly the speed of light, a journey of at least 2.5 milliseconds. Neutrinos are elementary particles produced almost imperceptible in huge quantities by nuclear reactions, such as those that occur in nuclear power plants or in the heart of the Sun. Every second, 65 billion neutrinos emitted by our star through each square centimeter of the Earth's surface, and only 1 in 10,000 billion of these particles is intercepted by an atom of our planet.

The large detector buried under Mount Gran Sasso does not weigh less than 1500 tons. Photo credits: Photo CNRS / IPNL / ITY, Bernard.
But the great surprise of Autiero Dario and his colleagues from Lyon, neutrinos arriving on the detector Opera, in the laboratory of Gran Sasso, with an average of 60 nanoseconds (60 billionths of a second) earlier than in the light. A shift that seems small, but that no current theory is able to explain.

There was no such thing as race between photons (or particles of light) and neutrinos, but the researchers timed the path of the particle beams with high accuracy. Leaning back on the atomic clock of a GPS satellite visible at the same time on both sites, the clocks at CERN and Gran Sasso have been calibrated to an accuracy better than a billionth of a second. Altogether, and taking into account various effects of measuring instruments, the team believes that the measurement uncertainty is better, in the order of ten nanoseconds or less than 60 nanoseconds measures. The work of physicists Lyon is robust enough to be widely published, which was made last night on the public server arXiv.
To claim that NOTHING can exceed the speed of light is rather presumptuous

ITER interests me more.. damn frenchies ripping the planet in half :lol:
Republicans want to spend billions to visit Mars to fill their puppetmasters' pocketbooks. In the meantime, the rest of the world spends money on science HERE on earth, where it should be spent. What a shame.

Oh and by the way, I've been saying the speed of light will get cracked for a while now. Up next: Dark Matter and Dark Energy theories go to hell, just like the theory that the world is flat.
Nothing can exceed the speed of light though... The funny thing about the speed of light is that it is constant relative to your own speed at any given time, it is a mindblowing concept but has been measured.

For the sake of simplicity, say light travels at a speed of 100 mph.

If I am standing still, light is going 100mph. If I am running 10mph in the same direction as the light, you would expect the light to be moving 90mph relative to me right? Wrong, it is moving 100mph relative to me still. It is insanity but it is true.


So even if this particle is travelling faster than the speed of light relative to us, relative to the particle itself light is still travelling at the speed of light FASTER than the particle.... Mind is melting.
I remember hearing that the experiments (particle collision) where creating small temporary black holes. From Michio Kaku, has stated that from Eisenstein's theory of relativity that it was possible that black hole where indeed an Einstein-Rosen bridge to another point of space and/or time. He has also stated that time travel by means of the Einstein-Rosen would be possible whoever at our current time we do not have the required energy to fold space and time in such manner. Would it be possible that the experiments proved that a black hole was an Einstein-Rosen bridge and that the amount of energy required to make such multidimensional gateways was less than originally calculated?

Correct me if I am wrong but last time I checked, it was theoretically possible for neutrinos to travel through the Einstein-Rosen bridge.

I think they may have proved through scientific evidence that the theory of time and hyper-dimensional (interstellar) travel is possible.
Nothing can exceed the speed of light though... The funny thing about the speed of light is that it is constant relative to your own speed at any given time, it is a mindblowing concept but has been measured.

For the sake of simplicity, say light travels at a speed of 100 mph.

If I am standing still, light is going 100mph. If I am running 10mph in the same direction as the light, you would expect the light to be moving 90mph relative to me right? Wrong, it is moving 100mph relative to me still. It is insanity but it is true.


So even if this particle is travelling faster than the speed of light relative to us, relative to the particle itself light is still travelling at the speed of light FASTER than the particle.... Mind is melting.

That's quite a bold statement don't you think? Yes, it is what we as humans perceive from studying our surroundings, but we must and cannot take all of this for granted, doing so only proves how ego driven we are, we DO NOT hold all the knowledge about the universe, we do hold like what? 1% and that's by observing everything with our senses, which we shouldn't even trust to begin with, there is so much we do not perceive around us, it's insane, basically due to our brain's reptillian core which is so fucking primitive.

We are not the "big boys", I believe we know absolutely nothing, more and more theories starting to get debunked, we know fuck all.
Correct me if I am wrong but last time I checked, it was theoretically possible for neutrinos to travel through the Einstein-Rosen bridge.

I think they may have proved through scientific evidence that the theory of time and hyper-dimensional (interstellar) travel is possible.

Just now I was looking at that Discovery w Stephen Hawking on the telly where he says circling radiation could destroy a wormhole (at least an artificial one) much in the way uncontrolled feedback could destroy an amp in a concert :D

OT, I was thinking more about quantum tunneling
The world wasn't definitively proven round until people started sailing around it. Likewise, we're not really going to prove you can exceed the speed of light until we start going really fast.

Seriously? The circumference of the Earth was measured in something like 200 BC. The Greeks knew the Earth was round from around the 5th century BC onward.

Is evolution not true because we don't have a 100% complete fossil record? Do we not know how far away Mars is because we've never actually been there?

I'm not saying that Einstein's idea of an upper speed limit on the universe is incorrect (there have been multiple things that "happen" faster than the speed of light, but no information is transmitted) but there is such a fundamental misunderstanding about some of this stuff that we had best just let science sort it out and not get too excited yet. But to say it is impossible to prove it true or false until we do it is just plain silly.
Nothing can exceed the speed of light though... The funny thing about the speed of light is that it is constant relative to your own speed at any given time, it is a mindblowing concept but has been measured.

For the sake of simplicity, say light travels at a speed of 100 mph.

If I am standing still, light is going 100mph. If I am running 10mph in the same direction as the light, you would expect the light to be moving 90mph relative to me right? Wrong, it is moving 100mph relative to me still. It is insanity but it is true.


So even if this particle is travelling faster than the speed of light relative to us, relative to the particle itself light is still travelling at the speed of light FASTER than the particle.... Mind is melting.

I've never understood this. I heard the same analogy before about driving down a highway going close to the speed of light, and you have a head start before light takes off...and it still passes you at the speed of light. Just don't understand how that is at all possible. Then again, I don't know shit about physics really.
Nothing can exceed the speed of light though... The funny thing about the speed of light is that it is constant relative to your own speed at any given time, it is a mindblowing concept but has been measured.

For the sake of simplicity, say light travels at a speed of 100 mph.

If I am standing still, light is going 100mph. If I am running 10mph in the same direction as the light, you would expect the light to be moving 90mph relative to me right? Wrong, it is moving 100mph relative to me still. It is insanity but it is true.


So even if this particle is travelling faster than the speed of light relative to us, relative to the particle itself light is still travelling at the speed of light FASTER than the particle.... Mind is melting.

The consequence of this is that your perception of distance (or time, depending on how you look at it) is altered depending on how fast your travelling.
If you were travelling at the speed of light then you would experience no time whatsoever. A particle travelling at the speed of light arrives at it's destination in precisely 0 time, as measured from it's frame of reference. whereas to a stationary observer it would have appeared to have taken the appropriate time (distance divided by the speed of light). Conclusion: Time is relative and does not flow the same for different observers. Even the concept of "now" is essentially meaningless.

This new research seems to suggest something very interesting, but i'm fucked if i know what!
I've never understood this. I heard the same analogy before about driving down a highway going close to the speed of light, and you have a head start before light takes off...and it still passes you at the speed of light. Just don't understand how that is at all possible. Then again, I don't know shit about physics really.

It doesn't seem possible at all, it's mind blowing but it's reality, absolutely insane.

They've done experiments where they take two clocks and leave one stationary and have one accelerate and compare their readings after an amount of time and the one that was moving is behind the other one. Time travels slower for any object that is accelerating or is under the influence of a higher relative gravitational force. This isn't some cracked out theory, it's real, measured, accepted science. It's really freaky.

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