Tickets provide revenue for the municipality.
That's about all they do. And they provide a lot of revenue too. One has to just look at the exhorbitant fines for even minor violations (in TX, although not commonplace, a driver can be dinged in some municipalities in excess of $150 just for going 1 mph over the speed limit!).
Here's an example from the city of Carrollton, TX which is one of Dallas' suburbs near me:
Speeding 1-12 mph over the limit: $150
Improper turn: $155
Expired license plate registration: $140
Expired inspection sticket: $140
Good grief! Talk about gouging! Traffic enforcement turns into a profit center, big business...
Look, I don't question the fact that most traffic cops hate being that. I don't question that they place themselves in danger because you never know when someone is reaching for a drivers license or a gun. I don't question that the cops need to be treated with respect. I get all that. And I do respect them.
What I don't respect is the system. I mean look at these fines. And there and fines even higher.
I would agree that cops should be on the look-out for DUIs, reckless driving, street racing, etc. But to nail someone going 35 in a 30? Give me a break! Municipalities are getting fat off of this stuff! The cycle is sickening to me. You get a ticket. You take defensive driving so the ticket won't go on your driving record. You still pay court costs. What court costs, by the way? You pay the defensive driving. The cycle repeats. Make it easy for a cop to give you a ticket. Make it easy for a municipality to get a hefty payment. Make it procedurally easy (but costly) for the driver to expunge his/her record. Make it easy for the whole lousy process to repeat.
Yeah, there's that whole "if you can't do the time don't do the crime" argument but that is hogwash. We're talking traffic tickets not bank heists. Are the cops really told to go raise money for these municipalities as their primary function?? I pray this isn't the case. Yet every day I see the police cars or motorcycles on the side of the road with the laser guns out, ticket pads at the ready. Meanwhile in some neighborhood I can imagine a family gone for the day and a break-in about to occur. Where's the focus? Sure cops can't be everywhere. But they can be on patrol rather than fishing for tickets at even the most benign traffic offense.
It must seem like I hate cops. Nothing could be farther from the truth. What I hate is municipal governments deciding to use the police as money-making resources at the expense of fighting crime. No wonder so many police hate traffic cop duty. It's a waste of their valuable time and our tax dollars.
Well, I think I've officially hijacked this thread. Might as well fly it on down to Cuba....