
New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2008
Been listening to "Mental Torments" and really noticed the changes they have gone through in 3 albums. I love them all but I was wondering if you all can tell me the order in which you like their 3 cd's. Having listening to "Unreal" and then going back to "Mental Torments" they sound like a different band. As I said, I love them all for what they each stand for:
1) "Mental Torments" - I like the fact that this is their most diverse and expeimental cd..The only thing the other 2 have on this cd is a better production. Musically their best.

2) "Anima"- They got a bit heavier but somewhat maintained the old sound to some degree.

3) "Unreal"- Took a few spins, BUT when you listen to this not comparing it to their previous cd's, it's great...Even though they lost that "experimental" approach they did refine their sound to "satisfy the masses".
Not every band that goes to a heavier sound is trying for mass appeal, sometimes playing heavier music can just be more fun live. However I do seem to like Anima better than Unreal.
OVERALL...Great band, no doubt....The next cd will hopefully keep them in the game! I would hate to see them fizzle out.