
Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Well, I can't really say enough about this band and their debut cd "MENTAL TORMENTS" so i will phrase it as LANCE KING did "They are Dream Theater on steriods" and ladies and gents that is a gross understatement i like to refer to them as SHADOW GALLERY on uppers. These guys from France kick major ass. This cd is so progressive it is beyond belief, and the musicianship is well the only way to describe it is DAMNNNNNNNNN. And another thing they are so young, early to mid 20's.

Their songs incorporate many elements in they, some jazz, so techo, then to progressive and back to straigh metal, There is one that even has a latin sound to it in the middle and you guessed right back to the more progressive side. This is a must have for Progressive metal fans. So if you have some spare change lying around order it today from NIGHTMARE records, and oh yeah they are managed by Claus from INTROMENTAL.:headbang: :headbang: