spider house of horrors!!!


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Pet spider kills its owner
Killer ... a poisonous Black Widow spider
in Berlin

A MAN who lived in his own “zoo” of lizards and insects was fatally bitten by a pet black widow spider — then eaten by the other creepy-crawlies.

Police broke in to Mark Voegel’s apartment to find spider Bettina along with 200 others, several snakes, a gecko lizard called Helmut and several thousand termites had gorged on his body.

Neighbours alerted police after becoming alarmed by the stink.

And horrified officers were met by a nightmare scene.

Spider's victim ... the body of tragic Voegel is taken away

A police spokesman said: “It was like a horror movie. His corpse was over the sofa.

“Giant webs draped him, spiders were all over him. They were coming out of his nose and his mouth.

“There was everything there one could imagine in the world of reptiles.

“Larger pieces of flesh torn off by the lizards were scooped up and taken back to the webs of tarantulas and other bird-eating spiders.”

Hungry ... termites ate body

Loner Voegel, 30, never invited people back to his “jungle” home, a small apartment in the German city of Dortmund.

Police described it as a cross between a botanical garden and the butterfly breeding ground in the serial killer movie The Silence Of The Lambs.

One tarantula had built a nest the size of a swallow’s in a corner of the ceiling.

Voegel also had a boa constrictor and several poisonous frogs from South America.

Lair ... a cage is taken away

Spider expert and animal cruelty officer Gabi Bayer said he kept creatures “that should never be allowed in a private home”.

She said: “He had spiders so aggressive they are the equivalent of a pit-bull in the animal world.”

The reptiles were allowed to roam free in the flat.

The heating elements on two tanks containing spiders and their termite snacks had exploded and dislodged the metal tops allowing them to escape.

Danger ... he kept snakes

Voegel is thought to have been dead for between seven and 14 days. A post-mortem will be carried out in the next few days. But authorities believe Bettina alone was responsible for Voegel’s death.

a few thoughts:

- did the damaged tank spiders help to free the other spiders and lizards?

- notice no mention of an extermination or clean-up. the cops and rescue workers are too afraid to even go in there. i bet they got the body with a fishing pole or a really long forked stick.

- they're going to have to destroy the building, and maybe even the city block. because out of what they saw, imagine how many got into the vents, ducts, walls, ceilings, floor tile, air, sewers, unsuspecting pants pockets and shoes, backs of dogs, or even worse, airborne hiding in the feathers of pet birds, etc—that neighborhood of berlin is utterly fucked, forever.

- are they sure there was an original owner/occupant named Mark Voegel? do you know what i mean?

- if there was, i wonder how long he was alive for. don't BWS bites paralyze for a while?

- chupe666 has a bco account.
oh wait, there's no water in there. whatever. what she's (?) carrying there is like the ghetto of that apartment.


note: i couldn't type or convey any sort of vocals like, say, the master of the universe merman used to do, in that above post. that's how it is supposed to sound. it just look stupid, even just typing out 'glug' looked stupid. fuck you.
Spider expert and animal cruelty officer Gabi Bayer said he kept creatures “that should never be allowed in a private home”

oh for christ's sake. one can assume that the termites sarcastically told the officer in a chemical-voice-that-was-legion: "shut the fuck up", to which the wolf spider countered "it is in her nature"