Spider babies...

Chromatose said:
There's a father ted episode about spider babies?? If so.. I've gotta see it!

Well, it's actually only a few scenes where Dougal (whom is struggling to separate his dreams and nightmares from reality) is babbling on about this 'Spider Baby' attraction at a nearby 'festival'. He inadvertently appears on TV instead of Ted and starts going on about it for a while....funnier if one sees it for oneself I suppose.
Oh yeh, and to stay on topic, I used to like spiders, when I was a small boy; now I'm shit scared of them, oddly enough.
Mickael said:
Well, it's actually only a few scenes where Dougal (whom is struggling to separate his dreams and nightmares from reality) is babbling on about this 'Spider Baby' attraction at a nearby 'festival'. He inadvertently appears on TV instead of Ted and starts going on about it for a while....funnier if one sees it for oneself I suppose.

ha! awesome