Amos,well,I think I'm still allowed to get together w/you and Cyn,just not at my home any time soon and I wouldn't bet on us being able to have another sleep-over here until sometime in 2003.Yes,my mother actaully asked me,"So,Amy wants to fuck the cat?"She was pissed.I'd assumed that both of my parents were over the whole *incident* until this morning when my mother and I were disussing something and our conversation turned into something about censorship and profanity and my opinions versus hers,as most all of our conversations do.And,you know,since she's the one who pays for my food and clothing,etc., she winds up *winning*all of the discussions
Oh,I think I've found a new name for our "band"-Morphiette. Contact me w/your opinion.And,yes,everyone,Amos and I +another friend are a "band".We have a *demo tape*(oooh,aah

)It's not like we have any songs written,though.The demo tape is just me taping the 3 of us attmepting to play our instruments and cussing each other out.Amos and the other friend's guitars sound decent,but my drumming just fucks everything up.