Spiritual Healing

can somebody give me a free copy of spiritual healing.amazon doesn't have it.I went to my local mom and pop store and they said that is been on back order since last july.I think it might be out of print.I just want to get it because its the only death cd I don't have.are they gonna remaster? that would be cool because it would co-inside with the death tribute.I do have death-fate best of.which only has two spiritual healing songs.they sound real good.I don't know im just pissed.hope fully ill find it.
mindfull said:
can somebody give me a free copy of spiritual healing.amazon doesn't have it.I went to my local mom and pop store and they said that is been on back order since last july.I think it might be out of print.I just want to get it because its the only death cd I don't have.are they gonna remaster? that would be cool because it would co-inside with the death tribute.I do have death-fate best of.which only has two spiritual healing songs.they sound real good.I don't know im just pissed.hope fully ill find it.

Spiritual Healing is not out of print, it has been remastered and re-released through Century Media and can easily be ordered by any store or directly from Century Media Mail Order. i saw a stack of 8 of them at the Ameoba records on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles just a few days ago. :rock:
thanks for the info.I'll take a look at century media website.but i'm gonna have to wait while.I was bored I got the judas priest boxset.it killer and any money I have left is going to the morbid angel show.as well the kreator show,cryptopsy show,danzig show,and the king diamond show.it took me four weeks to save up the money.my job ain't paying me shit.but I don't care.music rules.I do anything for music. :grin:
James Murphy said:
Spiritual Healing is not out of print, it has been remastered and re-released through Century Media and can easily be ordered by any store or directly from Century Media Mail Order. i saw a stack of 8 of them at the Ameoba records on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles just a few days ago. :rock:
Amoeba rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hotjump:

I always had this question bugging me. Did all the great elements who played with Chuck (which, obviously, include you) were sessions or musicians that tended not to last more than an album?
mindfull said:
can somebody give me a free copy of spiritual healing.amazon doesn't have it.I went to my local mom and pop store and they said that is been on back order since last july.I think it might be out of print.I just want to get it because its the only death cd I don't have.are they gonna remaster? that would be cool because it would co-inside with the death tribute.I do have death-fate best of.which only has two spiritual healing songs.they sound real good.I don't know im just pissed.hope fully ill find it.
just download it off Soulseek, or something...Thats what I did, then if they re release it, I'll buy it.....I don't see any harm in that....

And yes, I must agree, James style of playing has influenced me as well. I was listening to Spiritual Healing the day I decide I wanted to learn to play guitar....That was 2 years ago, and I've never looked back....
Justin890 said:
just download it off Soulseek, or something...Thats what I did, then if they re release it, I'll buy it.....I don't see any harm in that....

And yes, I must agree, James style of playing has influenced me as well. I was listening to Spiritual Healing the day I decide I wanted to learn to play guitar....That was 2 years ago, and I've never looked back....
Justin, first off... thanks for the kind words, i really appreciate it. but you really should read all the posts in a thread before you type some like "just download it"... because there IS harm in that. number one, it is illegal unless you do it from a pay site like apple. and second.. and i have already posted this on this thread... Spiritual Healing has been re-released and is readily available... just ask your local store to order it for you or order it from Century Media's website. as i said before, i was in Ameoba Records in LA just a couple months ago tops and they had 8-10 copies of the re-release. it is very easy to find.. even on eBay. despite what many fans like to think, illegal downloading is hurting bands badly.... bands that are not rich by any stretch of the imagination, as if that really even matters. it's also hurting labels, which in turn hurts bands as well. for those of you out there that think it would be cool if all the labels died out and bands just posted there music, consider this: the quality of recordings you are used to would disappear... most bands cannot afford to record and distribute their CDs on their own.. a quality recording takes money to make... and without the support of labels, which is possible because of sales, most pro bands would have to pack it in. i don't know about you, but i don't want to see most of my favorite bands have to fold.... i want their next cd, and the next, and so on....

thanks for reading... had to get that off my chest... i have already been dealing with budgets dropping lower and lower... my projects are getting harder and harder to do, all thanks to the sales lost to illegal downloading. and despite what most of the illegal downloaders will tell you to your face, most of them do NOT go buy the CD later if they like it.... i know far too many of them personally to buy that concept.

it's our scene, support it or lose it.

thanks again for the kind words justin.
ok, I would never want that to happen..... I never knew they re released Spiritual Healing, as far I knew it went out of print a couple of years ago.... I will definately pick it up when I see it (I am one of those people that will buy the cd if I like it), so my Death album collection is complete...... But I hate ordering off line, and when I asked them at my local record shop like 3 months ago, they told me the album was unavailable.... I'll try again, because I really want it, it's my fav Death album....
Its ok to hear a few songs to make sure the cd is good off kazaa or something, but definitley buy the cd. for instance, children of bodom rules, so go buy trashed lost and strung out! but always buy... and if you dont like the prices, buy em at cost on www.cdnow.com
UniversalGenesisShock said:
Its ok to hear a few songs to make sure the cd is good off kazaa or something, but definitley buy the cd. for instance, children of bodom rules, so go buy trashed lost and strung out! but always buy... and if you dont like the prices, buy em at cost on www.cdnow.com
there are plenty of legal, authorized sources for downloading samples.. which are often full tracks... of any release to come out these days. but "kazaa" and similar methods are almost NEVER legal. you may feel it's ok to download the new cKy album, for instance, off kazaa just to check it out, and that it's alright since you plan to buy it... but the reality is that it is illegal. very few people are getting caught, but some are... and they are paying for it. just go to the band or label's site and download the authorized samples.

i know people wont stop doing it just because i posted this, but at least i've told you what you are contributing to.... the de-valuing of music. believe it or not, doesn't matter.. it's happening anyway. if more kids were like my 17 year old brother there would be no problems.. he refuses to download music other than legal, authorized samples.. he mostly just listens to samplers that he gets from all the metal mags like BWBK and PIT... he's a true supporter and buys everything he wants, and manages that on a student's budget. if more people were like him.. especially younger fans who are so used to just getting music free that they place no value on it at all... then our scene would be stronger, instead of steadily weakening.

i know you two guys buy, but i hate seeing anything supporting programs like kazaa.. because not everone who gets turned on that unscrupulous form of file "sharing" will have the self control to stop with "just a few samples".

it amazes me how many people approach me and proudly state, "hey man, i downloaded your solo CDs, they're awesome!!" Gee thanks.. people like you are why i can't get a budget to make another one.

that is my reality right now.. i may never get to make another solo album... so then what? i record anyway at home and put my music up on line.. cool, right? yep.

and eventually when the unworkable economics of that takes it's toll i'll sell my gear to pay bills that have stacked up and end up finding a new line of employment.. no more music at all. sounds unbelievable? it's already well on it's way to happening.... but i'm still managing at the moment and haven't given up yet.. still hoping people will wake up and stop siphoning from the scene they claim to love and realize that it's not an eternal well-spring... in fact the well is drying up already.

and it amazes the hell out of me how many guys i meet from bands who are trying to get signed that just have a big hard drive full of illegally downloaded music and don't own a single CD.. they even enourage others to do as they do... and they are trying to get signed?? :err: ... talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

that's it for my rant... and let's leave it here on this forum... thieves get real nasty when you insinuate publically that they should stop stealing, especially ones that have been getting away with it for a long time.
There`s a re-released SH album, it contains a great history of Chuck`s ups and downs...all those travels to find the right people to play with...something that`s not happening these days...

James, SH was one of the first metal records I`ve ever heard, it was shortly after was released...it was presented as a whole piece on Polish public radio on sunday noon (can you believe that?) and the next week they played Cause Of Death...
Man, I was blown away by those marvelous solos of yours and Chuck...you guys were so young while recording that...early 20`s I guess?
Now in retrospect your progress from SH to COD which was recorded shortly after DEath`s LP is even more unbelieveable.
I want more ;)
Damn James, I never really viewed it like that. I bought UCS, do you get any money from that? But what about mom and pop stores, do you get money for those sales, like I saw Testament-Low brand new and it was pretty expensive, and I'm unsure that any of that money would make it to you or Chuck Billy, since most of these albums are very hard to find in normal stores anyways. You're not going to have much look going to BestBuy or Fry's Electronics and finding Century Media and Shrapnel's catalogs. Do you get royalties off amazon.com?
Heh, I bought Spiritual Healing because of tape trading.:p The only time I download something is if it's a band I've never heard(and usually that involves a freind sending me a file over IM) or if it's from a band I no longer trust to make a great record(Megadeth, Slayer)..

This is mostly because I have a stack of cds I never listen to. On the other hand I've bought lots of CDs at least... :D

BTW, my friend had his machine hacked while downloading of Kazaa. I've never had that program installed on my machine. I don't trust things that you have to get a hacked version to get rid of the spyware.

Then there are those cds that seem to never leave my cd player:
UniversalGenesisShock said:
Damn James, I never really viewed it like that. I bought UCS, do you get any money from that? But what about mom and pop stores, do you get money for those sales, like I saw Testament-Low brand new and it was pretty expensive, and I'm unsure that any of that money would make it to you or Chuck Billy, since most of these albums are very hard to find in normal stores anyways. You're not going to have much look going to BestBuy or Fry's Electronics and finding Century Media and Shrapnel's catalogs. Do you get royalties off amazon.com?
yep.. royalties are paid, even on sales from mom and pop stores.