UniversalGenesisShock said:
Its ok to hear a few songs to make sure the cd is good off kazaa or something, but definitley buy the cd. for instance, children of bodom rules, so go buy trashed lost and strung out! but always buy... and if you dont like the prices, buy em at cost on
there are plenty of legal, authorized sources for downloading samples.. which are often full tracks... of any release to come out these days. but "kazaa" and similar methods are almost NEVER legal. you may feel it's ok to download the new cKy album, for instance, off kazaa just to check it out, and that it's alright since you plan to buy it... but the reality is that it is illegal. very few people are getting caught, but some are... and they are paying for it. just go to the band or label's site and download the authorized samples.
i know people wont stop doing it just because i posted this, but at least i've told you what you are contributing to.... the de-valuing of music. believe it or not, doesn't matter.. it's happening anyway. if more kids were like my 17 year old brother there would be no problems.. he
refuses to download music other than legal, authorized samples.. he mostly just listens to samplers that he gets from all the metal mags like BWBK and PIT... he's a true supporter and buys everything he wants, and manages that on a student's budget. if more people were like him.. especially younger fans who are so used to just getting music free that they place no value on it at all... then our scene would be stronger, instead of steadily weakening.
i know you two guys buy, but i hate seeing anything supporting programs like kazaa.. because not everone who gets turned on that unscrupulous form of file "sharing" will have the self control to stop with "just a few samples".
it amazes me how many people approach me and proudly state, "hey man, i downloaded your solo CDs, they're awesome!!" Gee thanks.. people like you are why i can't get a budget to make another one.
that is my reality right now.. i may never get to make another solo album... so then what? i record anyway at home and put my music up on line.. cool, right? yep.
and eventually when the unworkable economics of that takes it's toll i'll sell my gear to pay bills that have stacked up and end up finding a new line of employment.. no more music at all. sounds unbelievable? it's already well on it's way to happening.... but i'm still managing at the moment and haven't given up yet.. still hoping people will wake up and stop siphoning from the scene they claim to love and realize that it's not an eternal well-spring... in fact the well is drying up already.
and it amazes the hell out of me how many guys i meet from bands who are trying to get signed that just have a big hard drive full of illegally downloaded music and don't own a single CD.. they even enourage others to do as they do... and they are trying to get signed??

... talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
that's it for my rant... and let's leave it here on this forum... thieves get real nasty when you insinuate publically that they should stop stealing, especially ones that have been getting away with it for a long time.