Spiritual Leader my ass.


Sep 7, 2005
New York
Al Qaeda Spiritual Leader? The man is a terrorist. Why is it so hard for the media to report it as such? A terrorist is dying in our custody of natural causes and we go on terror watch? Nick Berg gets his head lopped off on Arab television and there isn't an ounce of outrage in the U.S. media? When did the United States turn in its balls?
The Blotter
When did the United States turn in its balls?
The Blotter

Based off of US military ventures over the course of the past 40 years, I'd say we've never lost them.

But, the Vietnam fiasco has made it difficult for the public to lose their children for nonsensical reasons.

That's why maybe one hippie in the entire world was against the war in Afghan vs. the Taliban as opposed to the many who (rightfully) voiced opposition to the Iraq invasion.
I halfway agree with you. Our military hasn't lost its balls, our leaders have. We are barely showing our teeth in Iraq and Afghanistan, let alone biting anyone.
Al Qaeda Spiritual Leader? The man is a terrorist. Why is it so hard for the media to report it as such? A terrorist is dying in our custody of natural causes and we go on terror watch? Nick Berg gets his head lopped off on Arab television and there isn't an ounce of outrage in the U.S. media? When did the United States turn in its balls?

Yer talkin about that Senator Johnson who had the brain hemorrage, right?

Was it Senator Reid who said, if Johnson dies and the Senate control stays in Republican hands, he wants a most bloody and violent revenge in his name?

Or am I mixing something up?

I was talking about the media's tolerance of Omar Abdel-Rahman. They write about him and never call him a terrorist. Now we go to a heightened terror watch because this fuck is going to die of natural causes.
The military hasnt lost its nuts, its the politicians and the American public. Now..I personally think this is the result of advances in technology. Now we get instant access to whatever happens, and more people are exposed to world happenings than ever before.

Back in WW2 no one knew we fucking carpet bombed German cities and decimated its civlian population. And when the people did find out, it was pretty much a controlled broadcast. But guess what, we won that war because we just beat the living shit out of the Germans and Japs.

Could you imagine what would happen if we dropped 2 nukes on ANY country now? We bombed civilians in Japan..and everyone was like YAY we won!! Which we did thank god.

Our military is poised to destroy these people completley, but the politicians are a bunch of Kansas City faggots who turn tail and run at the first sign of their elected seat going south.
Rummy wanted Iraq to be a repeat of Gulf War I - total decimation of a standing army through air-power. Of course, this part WAS successful in the initial stages of the war as we beat Saddam's army.

This was, of course, before the insurgency and the chaos.
as Vietnam taught us, you can't fight a guerilla war with air power and expect to win.