Splitter – Avskrackande Exemplar


Oct 22, 2006
Splitter – Avskrackande Exemplar
Obscene Records – No Barcode – Out Now
By Dan Fisher


Okay here is a statement that may just rupture the fabric of the spacetime continuum: I like a grindcore band. If any of you have read my earlier reviews of grindcore, you would know I haven't been very kind on them. My main arguement for this basically stems from the fact that I see the artform conveying neither a message or an aesthetic that in any way furthers metal; there are more extreme bands and there are much more technical bands. I did however enjoy listening to the new Splitter album Avskrackande Exemplar. True, the vocals sound like a tramp berating you on a xmas day crack binge and the blastbeats are present and correct like all boring metal bands. But Splitter are different. They create that amazing sense of atmosphere that the old Black Metal bands created on their earlier releases. You might think that singing in their native Swedish would be a setback, but it actually enhances the alienation of the audience in a productive way, causing you to shudder at what might lurk in the lyrical content of such brutal music. I really think this a gem of a grindcore band (an oxymoron perhaps?) and anyone who hasn't heard them yet should give Splitter a try.

Official Splitter Website
Official Obscene Productions Website
You should probably learn a thing or two about the HISTORY of grind(core) before berating it stupidly. Just sayin'. Good CD though.