Spock's Beard. Anyone familiar?

I bought three of their albums when I first heard them from random mp3 (this was back in '03). I thought they had alot of Savatage flavor in the heavy parts. When I got the albums though, I found they were more in the Dream Theatre vein. I thought the melodies they wrote were really cool, but there was just too much of that "DT proggy" sound for me. And it's true, they're not really very heavy, just a few songs here and there (the ones I downloaded it seems). They are closer to the Porcupine Tree side of Prog. If you like that kind stuff, it comes highly recommended from me (probably start with the albums "V" or "Beware of Darkness"). Out of that style of music, Spock and the Porcupine head my playlists.
SoundMaster said:

I actually consider PTree to be one of the best bands to arise in the past 15 years. So if Spock can even come close, then we have a winner!
thanks again.

It's been a while since I played the SB but I thought PT too when I first heard it. I can't even tell you what disc I have. Somehow it hasn't made it onto my MP3 player yet. :loco:
Rather interesting progressive rock band and literary 'progressive', they have some really weird arrangements. Neal Morse is (was) their heart and soul IMO, since he's gone solo the band somehow lost the "touch" it had with him onboard. Morse is mostly responsible for awesome songwriting on Transatlantic as well...
I got only two albums "Don't Try This At Home" and "V". Never got me enough to pursue them more, some songs are really good, but some remind me too much of Gentile Giant which is one of the prog bands I like the less.

On the other hand I like Neal Morse work with Transatlantic a lot and I recommend that short lived band extensively.
SoundMaster said:

I actually consider PTree to be one of the best bands to arise in the past 15 years. So if Spock can even come close, then we have a winner!
thanks again.
Well, I think they come close to PT. SB is a little hard to digest at first (as evidenced by the few people who said they have an album or two but never quite got into them) but if you get over that initial hump there is a fine reward at the end.

NP: Shannon Curfman