**Spoiler** Testament Setlist Suggestions


Oskee Wow Wow!
Jan 5, 2007
Northern Chicago Burbs
After a quick search, here's what they played at Jaxx last summer:

01. Eerie Inhabitants
02. The New Order
03. The Haunting
04. Electric Crown
05. Sins of Omission
06. D.N.R.
07. Three Days in Darkness
08. Practice What You Preach
09. Into The Pit
10. The Legacy
11. True Believer
12. Low
13. The Afterlife (new song)
14. Trial By Fire
15. Souls of Black
16. Over The Wall
17. The Preacher
18. Alone in the Dark
19. Disciples of the Watch

I'd be so happy with this set, aside from them not opening with The Preacher, which I feel is their quintessential opener. The only song missing is Raging Waters, which I really enjoyed on the Live in London dvd.

I'd also enjoy a different song from Low - like Chasing Fear, Legions in Hiding, or Hail Mary.

What would you want to hear them play?
That looks like every Testament setlist from the past 10 years!!!! No complaints though...

As far as old songs go, yeah. They seem to switch a few of the older songs around. I'd say they should dump Trial by Fire and play something else.

On The Gathering tour, they were playing a few songs frm Demonic. Seeing them do The Burning Times from that record would kill.
What do you folks think of LOW? (The song).

Sometimes, I think that song rocks..
At other times, it sounds very late 90's commercial rock/metal, I dunno, hard to explain...
Oooh I would love to see them play The Burning Times, but as long as I see them play stuff from The Gathering, Low and the new album I'll be happy because when I saw them before it was only the old pre-Low stuff .
What do you folks think of LOW? (The song).

Sometimes, I think that song rocks..
At other times, it sounds very late 90's commercial rock/metal, I dunno, hard to explain...

Same exact thoughts. I'd prefer the songs listed in my original post over the title track, which kick way more ass.
Chris will just have to explain to them that Into the Pit has already been played at a Chicago Powerfest, and so Testament will just have to think of something else to do. I'm sure they'll understand.

(Or has it been so long, I'm confusing this with another Into the Pit?)


I think Ion Vein did the Halford version if I'm not mistaken. It's been a long time like you said so I might not be right.