Spring is here, BITCHEZ.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I think butterflies are very much in tune with nature because I saw about 800 of them today, the first I've seen in a long time. Plus it smelled like orange blossoms all over town today, which means the local brewery will be making the annual batch of Orange Blossom Ale very soon. :kickass: :drunken-sex: :hotjump: :dr.blackass:

How many of you eejits are still shoveling snow every morning? *points and laughs at jooz*
i'll tell you when spring is here ... when I go to Manhattan on that first real balmy day and have to pick my jaw off the floor from seeing all the fresh blooming birds in their honey baby outfits.
Sorry, all of the rain and mild temperatures don't really do it for me. If I had to choose, I'd either have it hot or cold.
Marksveld said:
Fuck spring, that's all i have to say about that.
Wow. Man I don't hate any season, with each equinox and solstice I'm just happy for a change of pace. Shit and that's in SoCal, our seasons aren't terribly different from one another, and I STILL get all excited.

Like today, I actually walked around headbanging for 3 hours this morning in celebration. I'm a little dizzy now, and my work said I have to go to some weekend retreat "very soon," not sure what that's about.
markgugs said:
Weekend retreat? Is the hawt chick from HR going? Because then it'll be worth it! Otherwise, sleep with your back to the wall!
They gave me this postcard, sounds like a neat place:

They were speaking to me in very calm voices, much more friendly than I've ever seen before. Hmm...

ProgMetalFan said:
Spring is the least metal of the seasons.
That's because girls get naked during Springtime, and naked women have nothing to do with metal.
Spring = butterflies, daffodils, easter eggs... NOT METAL

Summer has oppressive heat... that's kinda metal... Summer's metal in an 80's Priest way...

Winter and Autumn are obviously quite metal. Every good metal band has an ode to October, November or December.