SS Review of Czech people


Suck my joined date.
Nov 21, 2007
Right, I think I should give my overall review of the Czech, having been there for 6th months.

They are more middle class than English people, especially compared to Northern English people, I don't mean in actual economic terms, I mean culturally. They are more discriminating and care more about manners and what you might call "the done thing".

They love dogs, everybody has a dog, big dogs, small dogs that would be bullied at school by the cats, gay dogs, sausage dogs, all kinds of dogs.

Their traditional food, like Svíčková, Gulas and tartare steak is beautiful and better than English traditional food.

The women are stunning, so much better looking that English women that it isn't even funny.

Some of the wine is pretty damn tasty too.

I've had (more than a) a bit to drink so sorry for the lack of grammar and such like.

Negative points

They quality of cooking at the average place in Prague more or less sucks but some places are excellent. They aren't particularly good at cooking Italian or American food.
Some idiots in England think all slavic people are interchangeable, it's really not the case though.
Some idiots everywhere think all people of a specific location that isn't where they are are interchangeable.