SSD key mapping cymbals problem


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Hey guys

I'm having some trouble with my SSD cymbals in logic

Everything else is mapped fine. Im building a kit from scratch and I'm just double clicking to bring it in

Kick = C1
Snare = D1 + E1


However, when it comes to cymbals they all end up playing at the same time when I hit my key. Crash, splash and china are all coming through the same key which is C2 sharp.

I've tried key mapping them myself but I cant work it out.

All the other parts of the kit are routed to the specific channel in the Kontakt mixer and have "omni" selected as their MIDI input and they route themselves fine

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance

EDIT: can post video if my explanation is a bit shit
Maybe you have them all routed to the same key? If you choose 'Crash18-A', then that reserves the 'A' key spots for crash and choke. So then the next cymbal you need to choose needs to be 'Crash17-B', or something. If you want more, then you start using the 'X-A', 'X-B', etc. slots. For hats this doesn't matter, they're always routed the same. I think there are only 2 rides, so same thing?

Hopefully that explains it, I don't have it loaded up atm so my terminology may be a bit off.
Maybe you have them all routed to the same key? If you choose 'Crash18-A', then that reserves the 'A' key spots for crash and choke. So then the next cymbal you need to choose needs to be 'Crash17-B', or something. If you want more, then you start using the 'X-A', 'X-B', etc. slots. For hats this doesn't matter, they're always routed the same. I think there are only 2 rides, so same thing?

Hopefully that explains it, I don't have it loaded up atm so my terminology may be a bit off.

Thanks a lot mate!

Only problem now is the splash is on the same key as the china. I've tried using B, C, D, X B, X C, etc but it only comes through when it is A and that comes through with the china too