SSD4 Mix Test - Tesseract "Nocturne"


New Metal Member
May 19, 2011
I recently bought SSD4 Platinum and this is my first mix using it, I decided to have a play around with it using the drums from the Tesseract song Nocturne.

Pretty happy with the first mix, hopefully gunna upload some more once I've got use to the interface, this will include a mix with all instrumentation as well as drums.

Thanks for taking the time to listen.

I disagree with the post above I don't think the snare is dry.. I do think you should post in the right sub forum though.

Thanks for taking the time to listen,

In regards to posting in the wrong part of the forum, I don't post very often but "F.O.H. Production tips, techniques, tutorials..." made me think this was the best place to post...
I didn't liked toms, sounded weak.
Regarding to forum part - what sound proper F.O.H.:production tips, techniques, tutorials... OR Practice Room:promote your work, ask for feedback, offer mixing practice. ?