St. Anger: But who ade this song?


Active Member
Jan 18, 2003
Budapest, Hungary
hey look at that:

Mandrake (from Edguy forums) said:
It was me, believe it or not.
Thanks for all the compliments; I'm glad you guys liked my little tribute so much. I hoped people would get a kick out of it, and assumed it would spread around a lot, but I had no idea it would turn into its own little internet phenomenon.
Nice to see it made its way here without my even having to post it, heh heh! Here is visual proof of how I got that amazing snare drum sound:


Of course, lest you think that is the extent of my musical abilities, I would be honored if you guys would check out my REAL mp3s! The band is called Theocracy, and Harmon is doing the website (he posted a thread in the "other bands" forum). I really think some of you guys would enjoy the music; Tobi is one of my main songwriting influences, along with Steve Harris from Maiden. My music doesn't sound like an Edguy clone at all, as there are some more progressive influences as well, but you'll definitely hear the influence there--especially in the soaring choruses and big choirs.
The CD will be coming out next month on MetalAges Records. Just go to the site and click on "The Album"; there are four little MP3 clips there:

Thanks so much, guys!!! If you enjoy the clips, feel free to sign the guestbook.

Matt Smith
Here is the lyrics:

Oooooooooooh, what a good band we are
Back from the brink of extinction, it seemed
Oooooooooooh, we play downtuned guitars
And boy it sounds "raw" to intentionally sing out of key

Back to our roots
These songs are long
And there are fast parts
So that automatically means that they're good!
Back to our roots
Complex just like "...Justice!"
Complex just like "...Justice!"

Bob says that we are a jam band
And should write everything here on the spot
So I'm making all of this up as I go along
To capture these moments of genius
Listen to how well the songs flow!
Every part makes sense and is there for a reason

Well, I was in rehab
I'm an invisible outcast
I wanna cry, cry, cry
Life is so hard for me
No, Daddy, no!
Bob, help me!
Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill