St. Anger digipack scratches cd?

Upon getting St. Anger (I didn't feel cheated getting it for $10 at Best Buy), I was quite pleased with the digipack it came it...awesome art, definately the best since Justice, and a new style. I didn't like the fact that the CD came in a sleeve, but I didn't think much of it.

I should have, since my CD is now scratched a bit from normal use in the case.

Basically, I just want to give everybody a heads-up on this kind of thing...I remember reading that the sleeve for Tribute to the Gods in Iced Earth's Dark Genesis box set would scratch my CD, so I have that in a different case...I wish I had done that for St. Anger.

Man, I hate shortsighted decisions for form over function.
They probably did it, realizing that their fans are complete idiots, because they know people will go out and buy another copy after the other one stops playing. Mo' money, mo' money, mo' money...

I cannot believe that their are still people stupid enough to further line 'lica's pockets. How fucking dumb are you?
I just looked at my CD, and it's got a few scratches on it. Fucking great that is. Ah well I have it ripped to mp3 if I need it, but I better move the CD to a better case.
Just gat a pack of jewel cases and keep em handy for those damned cardboard sleeves. They WILL damage your discs. I got Everygrey's 'Recreation Day' last month and it came in a sleeve (granted, it was a really nice one, bound like a hard-cover book), so I just transferred the disc to a case. It's also handy to have extras for when you get a cd in the mail and the jewel case is all smashed to shit! :bah:
Sometimes I think they play frisbee with the fucking things at the post office.
I hate it when cd's come in those cardboard sleeves. They really scratch the cd, they don't fit in your cd rack and they get all worn out really quickly if you handle them a lot.
Mark said:
I just switched the cd and dvd around -- I'm not fussed if the DVD get's sratched :)
You should be...the DVD's sound quality is 10 times better than the shitty production on the CD. I'd love to see Bob Rock removed from the Metallica equation.

The upside of the poor production is that the 192kbps MP3's that I ripped the day I got the CD (I keep my entire collection on my computer and iPod) sound almost as good as the CD.
First of all, Metallica fans aren't idiots, so lets try being a grown up someday and maybe your parents will let you cross the street.

Second of all, I HATE DIGIPAKS! Why do bands insist on releasing their albums in these? I never leave the CD in the case if that were the case (no pun), I usually put them in my CD carrier.

Biggest piss off of all time was when I received my copy of Katatonia's "Last Fair Deal Gone Down" and saw that it was a cardboard case and some MOTHERFUCKER put a fucking stick on the actually case! Why aren't the stickers just on the cellophane for the love of God?
Orion Crystal Ice said:
Digipaks/sleeves must be destroyed.

I have to agree with you. They are supposed to be these environmental friendly packages...
They are the worst thing to happen to
Cd's since those god damn long boxes!
I think since they were issuing four different color
combos for the disc why not make two of the covers
ones that were in regular jewel boxes?!
The other thing, about the packaging.
Don't you guys think that the Painting on the inside of the disc
make a better cover for the disc?
It's funny. I remember being in serious denile 12 years ago about Metallica sucking. Hearing things like "Their old fan's don't listen to them anymore" and so forth. I was like "Noooooo!! This CANNOT be! They are Metallica.".

After they played Woodstock, did beer commercials and released that rehearsal tape called Load, I accepted everything. Metallica DOES suck.

Why can't everyone just accept this fact and abondon these assholes? They don't care about any of you.
Also, the 4 covers thing is lame too. There're probably a bunch of idiots (this thread is proof enough that Metallica's fans are idiots, and my theory is correct) out there who are going to buy them all, because they're "true" fans of Metallica. As we all know "true" fans of Metallica are those dumb enough to blindly support those that spit in their face, while the "untrue" fans are those wise enough to give up on them when Bob Rock became the fifth member.
ODB, it's ironic that you have more posts in this particular thread than anyone else, seeing that you hate Metallica and their fans so much.
Why do you care what any of us like? After all, since you are our intellectual superior, I would think you'd have better things to do with your time than consort with the likes of us! :D
I must agree with you there. There are way too many 'tallica threads, most of which are saying the same things. I think an unofficial Metallica forum would alleviate much of that problem.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
it's disgusting in a way that something as irrelevent as 'lica has so many threads while good bands are ignored.

I agree with that, even though the rest of your post are mindless, closeminded and insulting
Hate the band as much as you want nothing wrong with that but give the people who enjoy them a break. I have enough of 95% of the population of this world that look at me like a sub-species or some sort of evil incarnate lifeform because I sometimes wear a Maiden or Deicide t-shirt and listen to loud heavy metal when I wrench on my bike in the garage.

By buying St-anger most of my money went in the pockets of the record company, not Metallica. And 10 bucks for an album AND a DVD is a lot more than what most bands offer, good or bad, and the little money tallica made with that is nothing in comparison to all those years of good music and killer live performance that they gave to me.
Everyones taste are different, isn't it great?
Soul of a new Machine said:
I agree with that, even though the rest of your post are mindless, closeminded and insulting
Hate the band as much as you want nothing wrong with that but give the people who enjoy them a break. I have enough of 95% of the population of this world that look at me like a sub-species or some sort of evil incarnate lifeform because I sometimes wear a Maiden or Deicide t-shirt and listen to loud heavy metal when I wrench on my bike in the garage.

By buying St-anger most of my money went in the pockets of the record company, not Metallica. And 10 bucks for an album AND a DVD is a lot more than what most bands offer, good or bad, and the little money tallica made with that is nothing in comparison to all those years of good music and killer live performance that they gave to me.
Everyones taste are different, isn't it great?

Blah blah blah. Like I'm supposed to care about what a Metallica fan thinks about anything. You people are like barely above the level of the people that bought Milli Vanilli CD's back in the day. Easily amused fools. Metallica fans have no taste.

And don't blame your shirts on why people look at you funny. You could just be ugly or present yourself to the world as some socially inept loser or something.