St. Anger made my stomach hurt


New Metal Member
May 6, 2003
please forgive me for beating a dead horse, but i just heard St. Anger.
I cannot believe the same guys who put out Master of Puppets would have the gall to release this pile of garbage. This album makes Load sound like a metal masterpiece. I feel stupider for having heard it. Im appalled. It has got to be among the worst albums Ive ever heard. This pile of rubbish makes WCFYA go from a 10 to a 12. Now that Megadeth is no more and Metallica is dead, Anthrax and Slayer will lead the legacy of thrash metal into the new millenium.

am i the only one who hates St. Anger?
nick1158 said:
please forgive me for beating a dead horse, but i just heard St. Anger.
I cannot believe the same guys who put out Master of Puppets would have the gall to release this pile of garbage. This album makes Load sound like a metal masterpiece. I feel stupider for having heard it. Im appalled. It has got to be among the worst albums Ive ever heard. This pile of rubbish makes WCFYA go from a 10 to a 12. Now that Megadeth is no more and Metallica is dead, Anthrax and Slayer will lead the legacy of thrash metal into the new millenium.

am i the only one who hates St. Anger?

You are 110% correct!
In all fairness I thought there were some spots that showed some signs of old Metallica, I mean very few spots. But my biggest concern was the recording ! My God this is the worst sounding record ever. I think the snare drum is bascially unbearable. And Lars' Kick accents are terrible.
No guitar leads, etc. Fortunately we can always count on Anthrax ! I'm all for change but do it tastefully for cryin' out loud ! I Agree Anthrax, Slayer & Testament are the only true thrash bands left, everyone else sucks ass !!!!
yeah I've heard the song St. Anger. not the whole album but I don't like it. I can't pass judgement on the album yet. But the song basically made me think of a faster Load.
I had realy gotten my hopes up too. But I did kinda drop my expectations when they said "no ballads" Metallica had some of the best ballads and instramentals.
a toast to the good ol days
PS yes we mustn't forget Testament. They and Anthrax have been the two thrash bands that majorly improved.
mentalmeltdown said:
Selloutica, Metallicrap, Metallicock, Crapallica, hey let's start a thread and see how many Metallica name spinoffs can we come up with?

Metallica$h was alwas my favourite
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
I thought they were called selloutica now

But yeah there shit loads of thrash bands left morbid angel aura noir fucking laods off good ones, but st shit stain sounds like a washing machine very annoying
........................did you just call Morbid Angel thrash?! one of the Florida *GODS* of death metal-- THRASH??
...oh well, genres are stupid, who cares?