minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Mar 11, 2004 #1 http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Northeast/03/11/mom.charged.ap/index.html
xfer I JERK OFF TO ARCTOPUS Nov 8, 2001 25,932 13 38 47 New York City www.geocities.com Mar 11, 2004 #2 if abortion were legal in this country, she wouldn't have had to do that and those little girls would be alive today!
if abortion were legal in this country, she wouldn't have had to do that and those little girls would be alive today!
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En www.myspace.com Mar 11, 2004 #3 hush alex. she was quite clearly a proponent of Right to Life (for about a minute) groups.
Novembers Paul Member Apr 24, 2002 4,616 10 38 53 Chicago, Illinois www.novembersdoom.com Mar 11, 2004 #4 Fuck this. There are ALWAYS people wanting new borns to adopt. So many people are on waiting lists and would have taken those kids in a heart beat. This woman, insane or not, needs to be buried in cement herself, and left to rot.
Fuck this. There are ALWAYS people wanting new borns to adopt. So many people are on waiting lists and would have taken those kids in a heart beat. This woman, insane or not, needs to be buried in cement herself, and left to rot.
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En www.myspace.com Mar 11, 2004 #5 If preppy was in THE YARD and saw that woman, prep would SHANK her with a SHIV!
minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Mar 11, 2004 #6 i'd have stabbed her fucking face off her head.
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En www.myspace.com Mar 11, 2004 #7 she is clearly a fucktard and her husband is an asshole as well.