
I so remember the ones that happened in the previous Brood in VA because I was at my grandparent's anniversary in the mountains of Central VA and they were EVERYWHERE. So awesome. My cousin would fill a milk jug with them and it would just be loud as hell.

No, no, no! You have no idea if you don't live in an area where they come out. Last time, I was working landscaping for the summer, and it was Cicada season. It was horrible. Try uprooting a bush and re-planting it when it is the home of 300 Cicadas. They don't like to be bothered, and make angry noises. They are also about the size of your thumb, not including the wings. The get everywhere, and into everything. It's a pretty shitty time, and 2004 is time again? Great...
but i love cicadas! Sometimes, though very seldom, you can find them here if they've fallen out of a tree. I love how they're huge, and loud, and vibrate when you pick them up. Finding 300 at once would be like OMG AWESOME!
yeah, i agree with toby. they have these knobs on their shoulders where their wings connect, and you can hold them by the knobs with your index finger and thumb, and it's like holding a vibrating cell-phone!
Oh man. I was FREAKED. They were EVRYWHERE, and at time, i would look down and have like 10 all over me. It was a nightmare for me. Worst job ever. I'm no bug lover, at all. You guys would have a field day. Hey, if they come out again, Ill mail you a box full. :)
i think they are awesome. my dad was down there once and heard them and he said at first he thought it was some retroactive LSD thing.
I don't remember seeing all that many of them last spring. I do remember when those things were out in full force one year when I was a kid, though. It was a constant source of noise and you couldn't walk around without them hitting you.

Still, I guess it could have been a swarm of wasps or killer bees or something worse.