Stage Antics

Sabin Frost

Doom makes me happy
Apr 21, 2007
South Australia, Australia
Come on, we have all done or seen someone do something utterly nuts on stage that everyone talks about for a week.

One of the most memorable experiences of this was Tom of Bliss and Ignorance, Bliss are a 3 piece experimental/prog rock band with shared instrumental duties. One of the craziest things I have ever seen was a show where at about midnight, Tom comes out practically naked, switches the lights off, cuts open purple glow tubes and poors them all over himself. They then proceed to do the usual shared vocal duties, play the drummers drums with a free hand mid song, do hammer-ons, pull-offs with one hand while doing the keys with the other one, trade guitar duties mid song by swapping their bass and electric around, basically impress a lot of people before Tom does a stage dive through the bass drum at the end of the show...

Who else has got some crazy stories of stage antics to report?
one time my amp caught fire at a show. the only thing i could think to say was "i'm too metal for my amp". people STILL talk about that, and the show was like... 4 years ago. it was rather funny
we had a tarp covering the stage so noone could see us. and when we started playing we yanked it down and the singer jumped down scaring the shit out of the whole front row. When he hit the ground his nose slammed into his knee and he bled all over. it was pretty fucking brutal.

we sucked, but we put on awesome shows.
we had a halloween show and the singer chucked a pumpkin behind his back 20ft into the crowd.
we had two singers and brought one out on a stretcher. He came out of the body bag with a chainsaw. :kickass:
Lay off Krig, sounded like a great show, I love it when bands do more then just play music and put on some great enterainment. It is the only good thing about Rammstein.

Sunn have a great stage show.