Stampin' Ground-A New Darkness Upon Us

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Man, I just picked up this album, and what an incredible sounding disc! This is right up there with Exodus and AE's Anthems as my favorite-sounding Andy productions, already. I guess you know you're a huge nerd when you buy an album just because of the production... :worship:

Anyway, Andy, do you remember any of the details about this one? What amp was used, and how many tracks?
Also, what snare sample (and what actual model of real snare, if you remember that?)?

Matt Smith said:
Man, I just picked up this album, and what an incredible sounding disc! This is right up there with Exodus and AE's Anthems as my favorite-sounding Andy productions, already. I guess you know you're a huge nerd when you buy an album just because of the production... :worship:

Anyway, Andy, do you remember any of the details about this one? What amp was used, and how many tracks?
Also, what snare sample (and what actual model of real snare, if you remember that?)?

I would like to know this as well. I did not know Andy produced this one before I bought it.

I purchased the album and was not sure whether to return it or not.

Then I said 'Ah fuck it' to myself and kept it solely for its 'sound'. :)
I listened to it the otherday actually, didn't think it was my best job, but ok so I'm glad you like it. 5150 and Boogie into a Marshall cab with 30 wt celestions. The kit was actually a Pearl Export with emperor heads. My Sandberg bullet bass into the sans amp plug in and also a peavey Firebass 700 I think
Well people always bring up Nevermore, which I listened to yesterday when I was doing these remixes. Testament always gets a nod also, both Killswitch albums...there's been alot really when I think about it, I was adding them up the other day and it's close to 100 albums. Opeth also.
Andy Sneap said:
I listened to it the otherday actually, didn't think it was my best job, but ok so I'm glad you like it. 5150 and Boogie into a Marshall cab with 30 wt celestions. The kit was actually a Pearl Export with emperor heads. My Sandberg bullet bass into the sans amp plug in and also a peavey Firebass 700 I think
5150 and Boogie you say sir?
Were both amps used half and half, or was one used more than the other? :)
Andy Sneap said:
Y'know, I really dont know.

It doesn't matter, everything Andy does sounds great. We all have our favorites. Mine is "The More Things Change" for whatever reason. Probably because the album is a little older, but the sound was ahead of the curve and because it still sounds like a new age production by today's standard.

(Andy has a favorite picked out in his head, but he is being modest) :grin:
I listened to The More Things Change the other month by accident and didn't realise what it was, I was like damn, sounds good haha. That was a really stressful time, re-recording gtrs for the 3rd time and mixing in a ridiculously expensive (though great) LA studio. Robb was loosing it, Monte at the label had lost it (he had to fly home, didn't even say goodbye except for a note pushed under the door) and then Colin bailed on me. We worked Xmas Day and New Years eve, but I do think it helped having me in on the last mix because I wasn't caught up in all the stress and pressure that had been going down, + I made some great friends and contacts on that trip, which was my first time working in the US. We (Colin, Robb and myself) can laugh about it now, but it was a life changing couple of months there.
The best is undoubtably Disgust's "A World of No Beauty". Andy learnt all he knows now in those 7 days, and it was his first glimpse into the heady world of professionalism. It must have been nerve wracking for him being surrounded by his heroes, but he coped admirably.
Andy Sneap said:
We worked Xmas Day and New Years eve...

I know the feeling. Sometimes drama can lead to incredible results.

I think that "The Gathering" is arguably the best sounding metal record in the last 10 years - especially now that I know that it was done on ADAT's. Great players and a great engineer/producer is what it takes to make a great sounding record.

I heard Stampin' Ground before I knew that you did it, but knew it was yours after the first bar. The guitar riffs are killer, and the drummer is really good, too. Did you do any BD on the drums? They sound natural, but very precise.
Lee_B said:
The best is undoubtably Disgust's "A World of No Beauty". Andy learnt all he knows now in those 7 days, and it was his first glimpse into the heady world of professionalism. It must have been nerve wracking for him being surrounded by his heroes, but he coped admirably.

I found some old pictures of you from the Disgust days, i'm going to post them if i can find the scanner. :lol:
How bout those Stuck Mojo albums? Ward's tone fucking kills! The More Things Change! Man, there isn't an album you've worked on that I don't like! I gaurantee, I only listen to Killswitch for the production quality!
Gnash said:
How bout those Stuck Mojo albums? Ward's tone fucking kills! The More Things Change! Man, there isn't an album you've worked on that I don't like! I gaurantee, I only listen to Killswitch for the production quality!

Weird, I am a huge Stuck Mojo fan (coincidentally sitting here with my old, green Snapping Necks shirt), but I always thought the albums didn't have such an awesome sound. Rising is my favorite here, but compared to other records of their respective time I was never a big fan of the production.
Declaration Of A Headhunter for example, sounded downright thin to me.

All of this is weird to the max because I've seen them live so often and know the crushing tone they get and what a great player Rich is.

Hah, gotta put on Down Breeding now ...