Stap Locks?


Jan 31, 2007
What do you guys use for strap locks that you think are good? I've used Schaller locks for years, and I think they're great in general, but I notice for recording, they create noise when the strap locks swivel. This noise gets picked up by the pickups and transmitted through the amp. :erk:

Any good strap locks that are silent (or close to silent)?

Cheers guys.
I'd imagine Dunlops would be a bit quieter since they pop in (rather than sliding on like Schallers do, hence the noise) - but how come you record with the strap attached? (I'm just gonna stop saying "strap on" :loco: ) Do you prefer playing standing up? In which case I wouldn't think there would be noise cuz the locks are being held tight...

And I've always preferred Schallers, I find Dunlops annoying to try to get to pop out
Schaller. The Dunlop design is flawed and retarded.

Just take off your strap when recording, or sit down. If they're doing it while standing... WD-40 or new strap locks since yours are fuxored!
Yeah, I tend to record standing up a fair amount. I guess I feel less restricted that way. Although if I move the guitar much, I can hear the strap locks occasionally. :loco:
I use the "Sure Lock" straps. They have a neat design that clasps around a standard strap button, so no need to modify the guitar.
I've had the same couple of straps for at least 10 years, so I know they last too.
What do you guys not like about the Dunlop? I've been using both Schaller and Dunlop for years and much prefer the Dunlops. Both work fine. Aesthetically I prefer the Dunlop. The only times my guitars slipped out of either (but stayed in my hands, fortunatly) was the Schaller.
What do you guys not like about the Dunlop? I've been using both Schaller and Dunlop for years and much prefer the Dunlops. Both work fine. Aesthetically I prefer the Dunlop. The only times my guitars slipped out of either (but stayed in my hands, fortunatly) was the Schaller.

I call bullshit or user error.

It's physically impossible for the Schaller's to 'slip' - the design prevents this. Unless you put them on upside down, the metal broke, or the strap pin was ripped out of the body, they are not going to fail.

The Dunlops, on the other hand, depend on a ball bearing. That's the only thing holding them in. If the pin on a Schaller fails, it still has the sleeve hugging the strap. If the bearing on a Dunlop fails, the strap is coming right the out.

Not to mention that donut crap looks way worse than Schallers nipple end!
I use the "Sure Lock" straps. They have a neat design that clasps around a standard strap button, so no need to modify the guitar.
I've had the same couple of straps for at least 10 years, so I know they last too.

i used to use one of them, but it scratched the shit outta my guitar!!!

i now use the DiMarzio strap lock system on 2 of my guitars (the kind vai and satch, used, to use) and on the 3rd guitar i use them schaller locking ones where you put the lock bits on your guitar strap and replace the standard strap buttons, both are really great and for live i wouldnt go without!!
I call bullshit or user error.

It's physically impossible for the Schaller's to 'slip' - the design prevents this. Unless you put them on upside down, the metal broke, or the strap pin was ripped out of the body, they are not going to fail.

The Dunlops, on the other hand, depend on a ball bearing. That's the only thing holding them in. If the pin on a Schaller fails, it still has the sleeve hugging the strap. If the bearing on a Dunlop fails, the strap is coming right the out.

Not to mention that donut crap looks way worse than Schallers nipple end!

I think the same thing is said either way, as far as it coming down to the screw ripping out. I've used both and have found they are both credible, but I prefer the Dunlops over the Schallers. I found that I don't lose the ends off of my strap with the Dunlops quite as easy, so they win for me.
Dimarzio strap with buckles. Better than any clip lock system I tried.

thats the cliplock, sorry i cant get quotes to work im too asleep but theyre fucking awesome only trouble i had was the screw thread tearing out after id flipped if far to many times
Just dont ever get the cheap plastic type ones, they're silent but they do slip out, I've got a pair and they slipped once, guitar fell and smashed against the side of my computer, one of the tone knobs was smashed to bits and its got rather impressive gouge in the finish now.

Still thats rock n roll, innit.
Hey, thanks for all the comments, guys. I'll check out some of the suggestions at the guitar shop.
