Star Ocean 3 : Till The End Of Time


Dec 29, 2002
Montreal , Quebec
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Just bought it 2 days ago after waiting years for it to come out after Star Ocean 2. Im about 3 hours into the game and all I have to say is that im loving it. The first hour is slow, as in most games, but so far its seeming as its goin to bring me back into my RPG days. I urge anyone to pick it up.
Also something I was considering for my post-Tales of Symphonia RPG fix heh. How is the battle system? Seems similar to ToS but looks like you have more control over character and an easier ability to swtich between them.
Final_Vision said:
Also something I was considering for my post-Tales of Symphonia RPG fix heh. How is the battle system? Seems similar to ToS but looks like you have more control over character and an easier ability to swtich between them.
I love the battle system, if you have played SO2 its pretty much the same. You have 100% control over your character as to where he runs around the field and you can switch between characters with the press of the square button and choosing who to control. You can also make all the characters AUTO which makes em fight for you, but wheres the fun in that...and theres also the chance of dieing. You can also tell your other teammates strategys as to what to do in battle, such as use all power and attack, use all mp(if mage type), play it safe...etc

They've also implemented Battle Trophies. What this is , is pretty much awards for special things(which im not sure what exactly you get when u collect all 300) you do in battle. i.e. beat all enemies under 10 seconds, kill all without getting hurt etc etc. Just adds more fun in trying to do things while in battle and ups the gameplay.
I'd pick it up if my PS2 wasn't fucking broken. I have some "DISC READ ERROR" bullshit that Sony will fix for free if I send it in, but I'm so lazy. :(
hey Aecliptica, I'm just about done with Tales of Symphonia. I was wondering what you thought of the story in Star Ocean. Has it kept your interest thus far? As far as console RPGs go, if the story doesn't keep my interest I'll most likely end up quitting. Tales of Symphonia almost did that too me in the begining with what seemed to be a paint-by-numbers story :p
Firedwarf said:
I'd pick it up if my PS2 wasn't fucking broken. I have some "DISC READ ERROR" bullshit that Sony will fix for free if I send it in, but I'm so lazy. :(
When did you buy your PS2? I bought mine when they first came out and its completely fucked now, fan doesnt work, and i also get the same error message as you...apparently the first line of PS2s have all pretty much failed now. I heard something about Sony building them to last a specific amount of time, then of course you have to go out and buy a new one and that means more money for them! Although i dont know if thats true at all.
Wouldnt suprise me, I bought an original (christmas of that year) and it got the disc read error, sent it in, got it fixed, than it broke again. I bought a new one last year which I currently have.
Opus(sy)2 said:
When did you buy your PS2? I bought mine when they first came out and its completely fucked now, fan doesnt work, and i also get the same error message as you...apparently the first line of PS2s have all pretty much failed now. I heard something about Sony building them to last a specific amount of time, then of course you have to go out and buy a new one and that means more money for them! Although i dont know if thats true at all.
Aye, I don't remember... six months after the release, I guess? I looked up my problem online and Sony WILL fix it for free if I send it in, but I am so lazy. :(
The Serpent King said:
Star Ocean : Till End Of Time rules
Bought it the first day it came out
I'm loving every second of it

Sounds good...I'll prolly end up buying it. Hopefully I'll be done with Tales of Symphonia by the end of the month.
Picked it up the other day. The battle system is wicked, sometimes in other RPG's I found myself getting really sick of the battle system, but I don't that's gonna happend with this one. The storyline seems fairly good so far as well, seems quite different from the normal "lets save the world" type thats prevalent in most console rpgs.
I just picked it up as well. Though I don't usually dig sci-fi themed RPGs, it seems cool. I definitely had to turn off voice acting though. the dubbing is so god awful. Fayt was the only one (which I gathered from the whole intro basically) that sounded decent.

The battle system seems cool though! Feels like it has much more freedom than Tales of Symphonia and some of the very very minor battles I've done so far seem like the fields are actually a good size.

I look forward to playing it :)