Starbucks-$5 bucks for a coffee- hold the bomb.

Yes, fuck Starbucks. $5 for some sediment suspended in water. Lovely.

I love how those people that work at starbucks hate it, but they all work there. Their theory is that they are going to ruin it from the inside out, yet they tend to do good jobs, Starbeans treats them well and will give them a job anywhere in the country if they move with the same position and pay.
man, i love coffee more than anything, but jesus fucking christ - what the hell??

there´s cities where you can have a blowjob for $ 5
i´d go and fuck up some starbucks stores if there was one in my area
Fuck them, Fuck them in their stupid assess!

We have a Starbucks on my base, the only one around in town. EVERYTHING is minimum 4.50, and goes off into the high 5's. Starbucks rapes us here.
Why people are dumb enough to pay 5 bucks for a cup of coffee that acts like a laxative is beyond me. I'll stick with Mom and Pop deli's whenever I can. Or if you gotta go corperate go to fuckin Dunkn Donuts.
i don't drink coffee period...starbucks is my vanilla creme stop...cause the wife drinks the coffee...its yuppie as hell...just like panera,,,another place i bitch about...

but hard to get a decent milkshake anymore cept at the WAWA now with the milkshake machines...
IAN442 said:
i don't drink coffee period...starbucks is my vanilla creme stop...cause the wife drinks the coffee...its yuppie as hell...just like panera,,,another place i bitch about...

but hard to get a decent milkshake anymore cept at the WAWA now with the milkshake machines...

Panera rules. I love rolling in their with a bunch of troops in uniform, it makes the yuppies uneasy.
being a vet from the air force myself i can see how that is cool, but im in an army town and that would not raise hairs at all...

:D :D :D

Thank you for your service.
Speaking of DD - that vanilla latte they have....

DO NOT DRINK IT....HOLY SHIT one drink i won't touch....TOO SWEET and just has a look of nursing home old people formula to it....