Starwood-If It Ain't Broke Break It 2004


Starwood-If It Ain’t Broke, Break It 2004

Metal Blade Records

With the recent success of a band like The Darkness, you knew it was a matter of time before there would be others chomping at the bit to get a piece of that action. Just like we figured, here they come! Leading the pack earlier this year was Brides of Destruction, but out of no where comes this band called Starwood. Just who or what is Starwood? Well, some might call it Lizzy Borden under another name, well, it does feature Lizzy on vocals, but the label & the band insist that this an entirely different band. You know what? They are right. This in no way compares to Lizzy Borden. I think Starwood, has more energy than the second rate Alice Cooper & W.A.S.P. theatrics, that Lizzy has been known for. While, this kind of raw, retro 70's record is more New York Dolls, than The Darkness, it appears to be directed at that fan base. People who fell in love with Brides of Destruction, will likely enjoy the record. I think where, Lizzy & Co, have problems is convincing the fans of the old band, that this is more than a mere side project directed at generating quick sales for them & the label. Overall, I find this record to be a fair mixture of rock & roll, punk attitude & glam rock. Taken for what it is, it doesn’t fall flat. Also, the record has short, melodic tracks, that are memorable at times. You find yourself getting the choruses stuck in your head, like voices in the mind of one that is mentally ill. If that’s the goal, then they have achieved it. The stand outs tracks for me are; Subculture, Backlash & If It Ain’t Broke, Break It, the others are good as well, but these are choice. In short, fans of Lizzy Borden will find this to be a hard pill to swallow, the fans of stripped down glam rock will appreciate the effort.


© 2004 by Damage, Inc.​
*This is A Fan Submission