

Sep 17, 2006
Just wondering if there are any Static-X fans out here..?

I prefer Machine of all albums. Its just a fun band to listen to when im sick of death, doom, etc... catchy as fuck too :headbang:
Yea great band!

I like their CD's Start A War and Wisconsin Death Trip

You won't find many people on this board that will like this band though. Most people hear are to close minded to venture out and try something new, other than extreme metal.
Most people hear are to close minded to venture out and try something new, other than extreme metal.

So true.

Static-X are pretty good... a bit mediocre but good. Not a HUGE fan of them but I do enjoy them every now and then when I'm in the mood. Shadow Zone is my fave CD by them.

They shouldn't really be in my sig cuz I don't like them enough for them to be there, I need to update that >.>;;
Just wondering if there are any Static-X fans out here..?

I prefer Machine of all albums. Its just a fun band to listen to when im sick of death, doom, etc... catchy as fuck too :headbang:

Saw them live at Ozzfest... can't stand them.
If you get tired of death, doom ,etc. why not try listening to something outside of the whole rock/metal genre entirely?
You won't find many people on this board that will like this band though. Most people hear are to close minded to venture out and try something new, other than extreme metal.

I think they're alright. I mean the reason why a lot of Metalheads condemn Korn and Static-X and bands that usually get people into Metal is because they look back at themselves as losers for liking these types of bands, only because other Metalheads say they suck. But I dunno its just my experience.
You won't find many people on this board that will like this band though. Most people hear are to close minded to venture out and try something new, other than extreme metal.
Agreed. 'Nuff said.
I think they're alright. I mean the reason why a lot of Metalheads condemn Korn and Static-X and bands that usually get people into Metal is because they look back at themselves as losers for liking these types of bands, only because other Metalheads say they suck. But I dunno its just my experience.
You got it, F&F.

Static X are okay. Catchy, as you say, Nehebkau, and I agree that Machine is the best album - that I've heard, anyway. I have three others through one avenue or another, and I never listen to them, but I chuck Machine on every now and then.

For housecleaning :heh:

\m/ Hammer