Steampunk bands...


I am a leaf on the wind
Sep 18, 2006
Everywhere and nowhere
Although I don't participate in the scene, I dig a lot about it. I've always connected to the ideas in fiction and other places. Probably from the time I was a kid, as I used to love stuff like the original "Wild, Wild West" tv show, old Jules Verne-based movies and junk like that.

Anyway. someone turned me on to these guys, and I dig it:

Anyone have any others?

Damn...what changed with embedding videos anymore? Neither the URL or embed code work....
I don't hang out much in the goth subculture anymore, but Abney Park was one of the last bands I really got into.

Unto Ashes is my other favourite. They're not as electronic as Abney Park, more focused on folk themes and styles.

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A lawman, a time traveler, a gentleman explorer and a mad genius join forces... To alter the sound of steampunk as we know it! The Extraordinary Contraptions, Atlanta, Georgia's own steampunk rock band combines superb musicianship with visuals from a time that never was. The rock-and-roll aesthetic meets the steampunk DIY ethic to produce a unique sound and visual sensation. A little band from Terminus is coming to the rescue on a stage near you!
Here in the DC/Baltimore area, we have The Clockwork Dolls, which I first heard of at AnimeUSA last year.

Wow, Lara, that's a really nifty BOC cover from Unto Ashes!

Abney Park are my favorite from the genre and they're arguably the biggest band in the steampunk scene. Really glad they're returning to Dragon*Con this year after a one-year absence, too!

Here's the first song from their first-ever acoustic performance (!), on 'my' acoustic stage at D*C:

Sadly, I think they're a bit too big now to perform on that stage this year. :)

Extraordinary Contraptions are still a possibility for this year as well; I know they've applied.
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I really need to get to DragonCon one of these years... I might be able to go this year, but I'll have to figure out how to do it on the super cheap.
I really need to get to DragonCon one of these years... I might be able to go this year, but I'll have to figure out how to do it on the super cheap.

Buy a full pass early. I haven't check their day passes in years, so others will have to comment on the ease of acquiring those - if there is a level of ease to it now.
Day-passes will be available at Registration, but AFAIK they are not available by pre-sales.
Full memberships are relatively cheap if you get them reallly early. They're higher now, but still cheaper than at-the-door. Info:
Note, the price increments higher by $15 in about a week!

Many people park at the outer MARTA stations and take the train in to P'Tree Center Station, which is probably the cheapest way to get there and back. Drawback: the trains quit running before much of the nighttime events (concerts, drum-circle, dances) end.