Steel Panther ATL 5/11 roll call

There must be something I would avoid more than this, but darn't I can't think of it, bamboo shoots under the fingernails maybe
I had on my progpower 11 shirt asking if people were going, but no one at the show even knew, one any of the bands,and two never heard of ppusa. That being said the crowd at a Steel Panther show is awful,rude punks moshing all over the place,and being mean. On the other hand Steel Panther was truly one of the best live acts I've ever seen! Ever song was done so amazing,and the lead in,and jokes between songs was so stupid/funny it was very good. Also Satchel's guitar solo was really cool, he played the base drum with his foot while he played songs , and solos over his own drumming something worth seeing. I say if you like them or not check it out lots of fun, but hang back, my wife ,and i stood front row,and got kicked in the head a few times because we didn't know some jackasses were trying to crowd surf.