Steel Panther...


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
...these guys are actually VERY talented! Call me a prude or whatever, but Steel Panther's lyrics can be a little over the top for me at times. No, they're not saying anything that we're not thinking, but subtleness at times can be more funny to me. Anyway, with that aside, their covers are killer...really makes me appreciate the musical talent of this foursome!

This Journey cover is one of the best I've ever of my favorite songs!

This is a smokin' aldo nova stuff!

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I understand your criticisms on their brand of comedy, but the whole point of their schtick is that hair metal never is, nor ever will be subtle!
Awesome band. Saw them in Vegas last year and they put on a wonderful show. Part metal, part comedy, part..strip club? Don't know how to describe it but it was a great time. They're playing NYC tomorrow night. Can't wait!!!
Of course they are really talented. It's the posers who think they know everything that don't have a fucking clue. Satchel is Russ Parish who played in Rob Halfords FIGHT, and Jeff Pilsons WAR & PEACE, and has also done lots of session work. He even had a alternative band THE DUCKS which later became THE THORNBIRDS. The singer Michael Starr who's real name is Ralph Saenz used to be in a ton of bands that never got signed. NIGHTFALL, LONGGONE, JAGGED EDGE (not to be confused with 2 other bands of the same name), played in VAN HALEN cover band THE ATOMIC PUNKS, and did lots of session work as well.

Anyone with half a brain and some ears can HEAR how talented these guys are. The vocals are top notch, the guitar licks, and solos rip, and the rest of the band Lexxi (real name Travis Hayley), and Stix Zadinia (real name Darren Leader) are solid as well. (Darren played with Russ in The Ducks / Thornbirds).

Everyones beef always seem to be with the lyrics, and that this band doesn't take themselves seriously. WHAT? Trust me this band takes their gig seriously. Its how they go about doing it. There's a reason why they play to weekly sold out shows in California, and Vegas. Behind all the sex, and drug jokes lies a band that is extremely aware of what they are doing, and their performances are of high caliber. It's just there thing, no different than how KISS, and black metal bands wear make-up, and costumes.

As to the lyrics and I ALWAYS hear about the complaints how the lyrics are silly and over the top. SERIOUSLY? If you love that genre, than how can you complain? Like Danger Danger's "Naughty Naughty" or Kiss singing "Lets Put The X In Sex" is any better? Go back and listen to those old hair bands and if you think theres lyrical genius in 95% of them well somethings wrong! They are just blunt about it, and its fucking hysterical! That doesn't take away from the amazing music, and explosive production (courtesy of Jay Ruston).

BALLS OUT is going to kick ass! How can you not like a song called "It won't suck itself"!? HAHA!

Been following these dudes since the DANGER KITTY days. Then they went by METAL SHOP, and then METAL SKOOL. Funny thing is now there's a new parody band going by the name Danger Kitty.
Obviously. Still, hearing these covers you have to wonder what it would sound like if they actually wrote an original album that didn't rely entirely on jokes.

It probably wouldn't be as original or unique. The songs on their own stand out as catchy and fun as hell without the lyrics so don't get me wrong -- not like I need the humor. It's really well done throwback hair metal, and they do it better than Motley Crue or Ratt has done it in a LONG time, but the self parody and the act make them stand out from the crowd as a really unique entity. I kind of think of them like a Colbert. Colbert was a very talented actor who didn't get his due until he put on his character for the Daily Show that gained even more fame on his own show. People take him very seriously, but they obviously understand he's a very well written satirical character as well.
I used to see them in San Diego a couple times/year before Ralph and Russ got busy with Steel Panther and man, they absolutely ripped. They were both also in another general hair metal cover band that evolved into Steel Panther, I don't recall if it was called Metal Shop or Metal Skool (Southern California had both, one being a knockoff of the other, with the Saenz/Parrish being the original), but there's absolutely no denying their talent.
As to the lyrics and I ALWAYS hear about the complaints how the lyrics are silly and over the top. SERIOUSLY? If you love that genre, than how can you complain? Like Danger Danger's "Naughty Naughty" or Kiss singing "Lets Put The X In Sex" is any better? Go back and listen to those old hair bands and if you think theres lyrical genius in 95% of them well somethings wrong! They are just blunt about it, and its fucking hysterical! That doesn't take away from the amazing music, and explosive production (courtesy of Jay Ruston).

For me, it's about crossing a fine line. I have no issues with vulgarity whatsoever, but with the 80's bands I can play the overwhelming majority of the CDs in the car with my kids there, and know that the innuendos go right past them. With Steel Panther, it is so over the top that if they pick up on a single word, I'm in deep s^&t with the wife. :cry:

Very entertaining band, and believe me..... I laughed out loud when I saw the song titles, but I cannot ever see myself bringing this one home anymore.
Of course they are really talented. It's the posers who think they know everything that don't have a fucking clue. Satchel is Russ Parish who played in Rob Halfords FIGHT, and Jeff Pilsons WAR & PEACE, and has also done lots of session work. He even had a alternative band THE DUCKS which later became THE THORNBIRDS. The singer Michael Starr who's real name is Ralph Saenz used to be in a ton of bands that never got signed. NIGHTFALL, LONGGONE, JAGGED EDGE (not to be confused with 2 other bands of the same name), played in VAN HALEN cover band THE ATOMIC PUNKS, and did lots of session work as well.

Anyone with half a brain and some ears can HEAR how talented these guys are. The vocals are top notch, the guitar licks, and solos rip, and the rest of the band Lexxi (real name Travis Hayley), and Stix Zadinia (real name Darren Leader) are solid as well. (Darren played with Russ in The Ducks / Thornbirds).

Everyones beef always seem to be with the lyrics, and that this band doesn't take themselves seriously. WHAT? Trust me this band takes their gig seriously. Its how they go about doing it. There's a reason why they play to weekly sold out shows in California, and Vegas. Behind all the sex, and drug jokes lies a band that is extremely aware of what they are doing, and their performances are of high caliber. It's just there thing, no different than how KISS, and black metal bands wear make-up, and costumes.

As to the lyrics and I ALWAYS hear about the complaints how the lyrics are silly and over the top. SERIOUSLY? If you love that genre, than how can you complain? Like Danger Danger's "Naughty Naughty" or Kiss singing "Lets Put The X In Sex" is any better? Go back and listen to those old hair bands and if you think theres lyrical genius in 95% of them well somethings wrong! They are just blunt about it, and its fucking hysterical! That doesn't take away from the amazing music, and explosive production (courtesy of Jay Ruston).

BALLS OUT is going to kick ass! How can you not like a song called "It won't suck itself"!? HAHA!

Been following these dudes since the DANGER KITTY days. Then they went by METAL SHOP, and then METAL SKOOL. Funny thing is now there's a new parody band going by the name Danger Kitty.

Well put! +1
It probably wouldn't be as original or unique. The songs on their own stand out as catchy and fun as hell without the lyrics so don't get me wrong -- not like I need the humor. It's really well done throwback hair metal, and they do it better than Motley Crue or Ratt has done it in a LONG time, but the self parody and the act make them stand out from the crowd as a really unique entity. I kind of think of them like a Colbert. Colbert was a very talented actor who didn't get his due until he put on his character for the Daily Show that gained even more fame on his own show. People take him very seriously, but they obviously understand he's a very well written satirical character as well.

I get the joke, but after a while the joke gets old. I'd much rather listen to Swedish bands H.E.A.T, Crazy Lixx or Hardcore Superstar who capture that same spirit and energy but have more to offer than just a dozen new dick jokes.
I get the joke, but after a while the joke gets old. I'd much rather listen to Swedish bands H.E.A.T, Crazy Lixx or Hardcore Superstar who capture that same spirit and energy but have more to offer than just a dozen new dick jokes.

Fine. Then go listen to H.E.A.T, Crazy Lixx and Hardcore and don't complain about Steel Panther.

Easy peasy.
MetalMadman, you know that I'm a fan of you and your I can't be much of a prude if I dig your show! :) With that said, I totally agree that they actually put 100% into their live show and what they are doing. Judging from the YouTube live footage that I've watched you can tell that their performances aren't the "train wrecks" of many 80's, veteran bands that are still playing live today.

I've really been listening to these guys alot within the last few days. The lead singer can hang with anyone out there in my opinion! He has a damn fine voice! Quite frankly, I'd rather hear him front Journey than Arnel any day of the week!

Personally, I find comedy to be the highest form of entertainment. If there's 1 thing I can appreciate about this band, it's that they use their talent to make people laugh. That, to me, is incredible.
MetalMadman, you know that I'm a fan of you and your I can't be much of a prude if I dig your show! :) With that said, I totally agree that they actually put 100% into their live show and what they are doing. Judging from the YouTube live footage that I've watched you can tell that their performances aren't the "train wrecks" of many 80's, veteran bands that are still playing live today.

I've really been listening to these guys alot within the last few days. The lead singer can hang with anyone out there in my opinion! He has a damn fine voice! Quite frankly, I'd rather hear him front Journey than Arnel any day of the week!

Have you ever heard the EP he did with L.A. Guns back in the day?? One of my favorite releases by the band outside of their first 2 albums.