Stems from my latest production.


Jun 20, 2007

I just wanted to share with you stems from my latest production. Thought it might be cool for those who are fairly new to the whole AE thing. I always thought it was educational to hear isolated tracks :)

I used some hardware. 1176 on kick , SSL on snare. And a combo of SSl and 1176 on vox mixdowned. The hardware really gives nice smooth transients
And gives some glue. And on vox it almost works as a desser, smoothing out the top end without making it dull :)

VCC is fairly abused on this mix. VCC channel on all tracks. BritN buss on both guitars and Master bus to get some more saturation. I tried the 4k first but the stereo image and depth is so awesome on the BritN and i like what it does with the low and high end.

Bass is Rectifier boosted with maxon Od808 mixed with the DI for additional lowend. I really think the rectifier is the most awesome metal bass amplifier haha, you really get that dirty metal grit.

Guitars where JSX with maxon od808 and Rectifier 2x12 with 2sm57 alá Fredman style. Passive pickups on guitars

So here we go:

Oh yeah.. Sometimes Pt deletes my fades, you can clearly hear it on the guitars sorry for that..

/ Christian
Thats very cool, thanks for sharing :)
Can you explain a bit what you did on the vox in terms of verb and delay ?

The vox are dubbed, and panned slightly, think it was like 12 L/R. The clean vox are wider, around 25-30 L/R.

Reverb was lexicon hall preset, not that long 1.2seconds i think. Delay was PT Air stock delay, set on eight i think, but don't quote me on it haha i usually just set it with my ears and what i think sounds good, if im not after a special effect or something.

Then there is Waves Doubbler on it, some of the stock presets.
And it think i used PT's Lo-fi for some additional dist. The 1176 makes it quite aggressive already but i thought it was nice with some more edge this time.

And there are a automated reverb on some parts. Really long reverb 3seconds to make the vox fade out in reverb.
And widening... it sounds like there's some split-harmonizing type effect going on!

Good call on the Recto for bass. I've been wanting to get that thing back in the studio for ages.

Yeah man haha. I find the recto to un-tight for guitars most of the time but for bass and metal it is a match made in heaven :)
I've never used a guitar amp for tracking bass ( I guess I should try it soon). Do you set the amp like you would for a guitar sound or not? How much low end do you use from the guitar-amped bass? From 200 and up? From 500 and up?
I've never used a guitar amp for tracking bass ( I guess I should try it soon). Do you set the amp like you would for a guitar sound or not? How much low end do you use from the guitar-amped bass? From 200 and up? From 500 and up?

The lowend coming from the cab signal is enough but you can get a somewhat warmer tone (in lack for a better word) with adding the DI signal. The DI signal was processed with PT's Sansamp plugin and compressed to hell and back.
I really like Waves C4 on bass, it can make it super smooth without hearing the actual compression.

And i used a single Beta52a on the bass cab.
I've always reamped bass through a guitar amp - mainly through my Engl Savage 120 - but I've never got low end enough (I cannot push the volume, I guess that's the main reason for this lack of 'body') So I use the DI for that.
Sometimes I add a third track: DI through my tubescreamer compressed as fuck. It was just a test the first time and it worked perfectly. Now I have a MD421 and I can't wait to use it in front of the cab to reamp my bass ;)

Your drums sound really good to me (actually all the stems sounds good to me hehe) Could you throw some more details about the processing? Maybe you replaced some of these?
Your drums sound really good to me (actually all the stems sounds good to me hehe) Could you throw some more details about the processing? Maybe you replaced some of these?

The drums are all shipped to a buss which is processed with the Glue on x16 oversampling. Think it was set on .6 attack (or eleven o clock) release on 12 o clock 4:1 ratio. Taking off about 4-5db.

Parallel compression on snare and kick. The kick consists of 3 samples, and the snare consists of 5 samples + the real snare. The real snare is actually pretty high in the mix but the sampled snare has a to dominant sound so i think what you hear is about 80/20 triggered/real snare.

I think i added a C4 on the overhead buschannel but other than that it is no other compression added. I'd say it is about 60/40 spot/ambience mic in the mix. I started using allot of ambience in my 2 latest productions and i really like it allot.
@ crillemannen:

Thumbs up for your mixes, I like them. ;)

Some questions for you, if you don't mind me asking:

- What samples did you use on drums? Commercial or free ones?
In wich way do you generally combine samples to obtain the final drum sound (for example, regarding the kick: one for the sub-bass, one for the thump, one for the the slap, one for the high-end, etc.)?

- Any kind of post processing on guitars in terms of EQ, comp, etc.?

- Is VCC a real improvement in ITB mixes, in your opinion?


Giuseppe [giubis]
@ crillemannen:

Thumbs up for your mixes, I like them. ;)

Some questions for you, if you don't mind me asking:

- What samples did you use on drums? Commercial or free ones?
In wich way do you generally combine samples to obtain the final drum sound (for example, regarding the kick: one for the sub-bass, one for the thump, one for the the slap, one for the high-end, etc.)?

- Any kind of post processing on guitars in terms of EQ, comp, etc.?

- Is VCC a real improvement in ITB mixes, in your opinion?


Giuseppe [giubis]

Thank you!

There are both commercial samples and my own im afraid. Im working just like you mentioned trying to choose samples that compliment each others.

The snare got one sample with allot of ring and sustain, another is a wooden snare, another one which sounds like a drum machine but got allot of smackabang haha which works well together with the other samples. Allot of them are one hit samples and then i have 2 Slate snares just to get some multisampled snares in there. And then of course the real snare, which gives the snare nice mids which i always feel programmed drums always lack.

And yes, VCC does improve the mixes allot. Gives the mix nicer stereo image and great depth which most mixes lack that are made ITb

Nothing much done with the guitas. A few db's of eq'ing. And a Waves C4 + VCC BritN
I appreciate the info ;)

Talking about VCC, I totally agree. I use A LOT in my mixes... It's just awesome. I see it's in the last place in your guitar chain, I tend to use it in the first place on each track then process, to "respect" the idea that I'm working on material that comes from a analog console. But yeah finally it's actually about where it sounds better!

I listened to the full mix: great!!! Good job bro and good band by the way! I dig the gtr solo hehehe...
