Step In Fluid - One Step Beyond (For fans of Guthrie Govan, Freak Kitchen etc)

Aug 14, 2008

Spun this tonight, not knowing at all what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. I'm pretty picky about instrumental albums but this was really refreshing, especially in this era of instrumental over-wank that's going on these days with bands I won't name but can't stand due to soulless overproduced generic playing. This band plays jazzy instrumental metal, but the one thing that stands out is how HEAVY they are. At first I thought I was listening to Coffins or Remission-era Mastodon due to the almost sludgy riffs. I think the brutez riffs and the melodic, soulful, tasteful jazzy passages akin to something like Guthrie Govan or Freak Kitchen make for a really interesting contrast I've yet to hear in this genre. Not AOTY material (or maybe it is, I need to listen to it a few more times), but an extremely cool record that I think will go over will with a few people on here.

It's on Spotify and I'm sure other places. Cheggit out!