Steve, about D. N. R.


Bassist Member
Feb 12, 2002
Sao Paulo
Hi there dude!!!

Yesterday I was listening to that video excerpt from D. N. R. that used to be on the site and then one thing came to my mind: "Did you create all those 'crazy' stuff at that exact moment, or did you create and practiced that before to play that way live??"

I'm kinda curious about it, I think that those weird lines are cool, excellent to play live!!

By the way, you did crazy stuff all the show!! I can listen to that in the bootleg... Unhappily the bass is too low on The Gathering, I can't even say if you did that crazy thing in the studio...

See ya!!
Hey dude!! I think you didn't see this message, so I'm putting it on top again!

See ya!

BTW, I am kinda getting some prograss with that scales stuff, thanks!!
I would like to say that those "crazy" bass lines that you hear on that bootleg were well thought out and planned things, I'd even like to say that they were inspired by the crazy theory of the heavy metal kingdom...alas, what you're hearing is the result of drinking a lot of Jack Daniels for breakfast that day, and playing on the bass player for Methods Of Mayhem rig because mine blew up right before I went on to play my first Dynamo.