Steve D. and Atheist

Feb 13, 2002
Rimouski, Quebec Canada
Hi Steve just one question for you.......Were you not approach to join the great band Atheist for a "reformation " of the band a year ago or something like that ?

Jason "Damn live bootleg" Morin
OMFG!! Look at this:


Do you know who's the second from left to right? TONY CHOY! DAMN! He's in a fucking boy band! LOL!!

Man... I understand you need money to live, but fuck, this is totally extreme. He could at least keep doing some stuff with Atheist.

Well, anyway, he's no Roger Paterson at all... o_O And looking at his picture, he should pump some iron and get pumped like Steve D.:D
There's an old (very old) thread about this in this forum or maybe it was in the Board of the first official site of DiGiorgio..........anyway , it was one of the guys of Atheist who contacted Steve...and was speaking of some kind of a reunion of Atheist with Steve on the Bass.......

Steve what the hell happened to that...?
I would absolutely love to see Steve joining up with Atheist for a reunion, since Atheist is one of my all-time favourite bands. Also, if it does happen, get the Atheist CD's re-released! I got them all on 128bit mp3's, which sucks major ass! Can't get a hold of their CD's anywhere o_O