Steve Vai is an awsome guitariste and 4 sure is one of the pioners for the other guitarists out there! But there are plenty not just few, you just need to look in differ places!
Van Halen, Steve Vai, Randy Rhoads, MJR, Ygnwei Malmsteen, Petrucci...
Steve Vai has his ups and downs, i agree with some of the posters whos ay it gets into borring land occasionaly! One of my favorite songs by Steve Vai is actually one put on a video game! Halo 2 people, the whole credits is played by Mr.Vai and man does it kick royal ass-As well the start up screen when displaying bungies logo he is playing the halo theme on his guitar!
What I would really like to see is Michael J Romeo play some of that stuff on his guitar, shred the shit outa that games music! Anyone getting the Fan Club disc knows he can do Starwars Stuff, why not halo 2 lol!
Goodluck to Symphony X on Tour, and Steve Vai-Keep on playing!