Vai is the shit...


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
57 Swine will say.

I'm hearing 'Lotus Feet' from his new album "Real Illusions: Reflections" and this song easily rivals 'For The Love Of God' in the soloing department.

I'm a Vai fan, and I was scared form bad reviews I saw form this album, but halfway into it the slab smokes. A lot in the mood of "The Ultra Zone", some vocal parts done well by Steve with Billy Sheehan on bass and Jeremy Colson on drums.

Trust me Vai fans you'll not be dissapointed by this one.
Walter_Langkowski said:
This is 100% instrumental, right?

No, as I stated before there are some parts sung by Steve. If you dug "The Fire Garden" or "Alive In An Ultra World" you wouldn't be bothered by his singing here.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
ive never been much of a fan of his but i did like his work with Diamond Dave... that to me was his best work...

The beauty of disagreement. To me that was his lowest point, followed by Whitesnake :D
Ya know, the only Vail album I have is Passion and Warfare on cassette. There's no denying Steve's virtuosity and talent, that's for sure. But for some reason, he's never really lit my fire. Don't get me wrong. I respect the hell out of him, but I guess when I think of guys like Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen, and the like, I am reminded of the old adage, "Don't bore us...get to the CHORUS!". Perhaps it's my short attention span but for me Vai has always been kind of like a bad laxative. He just doesn't move me.
The saYer said:
I have heard few vai songs and I love them!
what album of his should I get first?

For me was a reason of acquired taste. I started with a song, then the album, then I follow the blind and enede with most of his solo discography.

I'll recommend "Passion And Warfare" and/or "The Fire Garden" to start with, and if you REALLY dig them then I we can talk again.
Wyvern said:
The beauty of disagreement. To me that was his lowest point, followed by Whitesnake :D

Hehe, indeed the beauty of disagreement....For some reason or another I do like the DLR albums alot, for me some of the top Vai stuff (but I still have to look into his 90's CD's...) But I fully agree that the Whitesnake area was pretty low point for Vai... Probably becouse I never was a big Whitesnake fan...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Dont make me pour water on your head and grow hair on it like a Chiapet lol jk... :tickled:

If it works I'm on for it :p