C'mon Vai fans!, hit me, beat me, nail me on the cross....
I'm ready!



Instrumental music FTW!
Vai isnt music, it's a pretentious cunt showing off.
Great guitarist ; don't get me wrong, but AWFUL music.

(Dons flame suit) -
Totally agree with you Metaltastic!!

I think Satch and Vai are technically on the same level. So for me it comes down to song writing/composition. Satch is a great guitar player...flawless in fact, but his songs are more straightforward rock and that style of writing doesn't appeal to me as much as Vai's style does. IMO because of songs like Blue Powder, Call it sleep,The Riddle,For the Love of God,Touching Tongues,Fire Garden Suite, these are compositions that take you on a journey, they create a movie of sound in your mind and this for me is what sets Vai apart from Satch.
Vai's work with DLR was killer too.

Hell yeah - and a lot of the typical responses I expected in this thread, I just wonder how many people have really ever listened to much of Vai's music to come to their opinions about him being a mindless wanker, because I think he's the farthest from (whereas Yngwie I think is the closest to, and I've heard a fair amount of his music). But whatever, your loss! And I'm really not a Satch fan these days, I feel like his playing and music have gotten significantly worse over the years, now his tone is so messy/muddy/fuzzy and his playing seems sloppy, whereas back in the Surfing with the Alien/The Extremist days he was much cleaner and wrote better music IMO (but I still think Vai is the infinitely superior player).
Totally agree with you Metaltastic!!

I think Satch and Vai are technically on the same level. So for me it comes down to song writing/composition. Satch is a great guitar player...flawless in fact, but his songs are more straightforward rock and that style of writing doesn't appeal to me as much as Vai's style does. IMO because of songs like Blue Powder, Call it sleep,The Riddle,For the Love of God,Touching Tongues,Fire Garden Suite, these are compositions that take you on a journey, they create a movie of sound in your mind and this for me is what sets Vai apart from Satch.

Well said dude, and I agree completely!

Vai is still one of my favorite guitarists. His playing and songs can really get to me sometimes. While I'm a bit torn with Satriani. Sometimes he sounds good, and sometimes he sounds like he's just playing to a jam track.

Hahahahaah, also very well said
Oh I'm speaking about more than technicality, though I suppose the argument could be made that improvising/melody-crafting chops are a certain kind of technical ability as well - of course, now we're going into the purely subjective, so naturally the above is simply my opinion :)
Yeah, Vai seems to be very "artsy" and a self-indulgent wack but he's actually quite far away from that. No surprise that this dude even played for the mighty Zappa as his own compositions are equally hard to swallow for some. Love him or hate him.
Yeah, Vai seems to be very "artsy" and a self-indulgent wack but he's actually quite far away from that.

I feel like a lot of people probably just get that impression from his image, because for the most part I find his music to be pretty conventional (I think the biggest argument in favor of it not being overly artsy and avant-garde is the fact that I like it :lol: )
I have a lot of respect for Vai as a player, but I just can't maintain interest in the music he writes. I liked Passion and Warfare quite a bit when it came out. As far as Satch, I guess I lost interest there too. Both are infinitely better players than I am, though. For my money, Uli Roth's solo on the Tokyo Tapes version of "We'll Burn the Sky" pretty much sums up a lot of the things that I like to hear in a guitar solo.
I feel like a lot of people probably just get that impression from his image, because for the most part I find his music to be pretty conventional (I think the biggest argument in favor of it not being overly artsy and avant-garde is the fact that I like it :lol: )

Exactly, some people don't look past the image. And I admit, I had some resentments too when I first heard about him... with all the flashy, gimmicky guitars, obnoxious sun-glasses, borderline androgynous alien appearance and several fans on stage that'll assure his hair will float nicely (he even says it's the most important part of his live rig). :lol:

ITE he incorporates everything that'll make a guitar legend in my book.
I like Vai and Satch, but in the guitar for the sake of guitar realm of playing I'm a big Steve Morse fan - that man can do no wrong by be. His instrumental music, his Dixie Dregs catalog, and his Deep Purple stuff just always has me in awe of the man as a player and composer. Perhaps not the biggest metal head in the world, but I think he has it all as far as a player goes.

And as far as Vai goes - to call him a "cunt" is just preposterous - he has never come across as anything but a wonderful guitarist - never pompous, never arrogant.
I saw Satch a long time ago and his playing was jaw dropping. I really don't listen to instrumental guitar music much anymore, but I still listen to Via. Some of his music is brilliant and some of it I can't stand. But when Steve is on he is full fucking on. I actually like Ultra Zone the best because of the tracks he sings on. His voice is actually really good.
I just don't get on the whole "Guitar Hero" boat... not sure what else to call it; but there are very few guitarists that I care about. I'm into bands, and the idea of gestalt. Comes from my background in electronic music... I started off producing fucked up drum and bass, and glitch/idm type stuff... and that stuff from my p.o.v is all about production, and lots of small things coming together to create something bigger than themselves.

That's the same way I look at guitar.
It's not really the "Guitar Hero" thing for me that drives what I like in a guitarist. I have a great appreciation for super versatile guitarists, ones that you know could handle anything thrown at them. There are plenty of great metal guitarists that I love, but have a feeling that that's all they know (I'm sure by choice and there is nothing wrong with that), but I llok at guitarists like Vai, Satch, Steve Morse, and one of my all time favorite guitarists Steve Lukather and I see someone that I think could fill in for almost any band in the world if asked to.

Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love your everyday "one trick pony" metal guitarists (and no - I'm not saying that all metal guitarists are this way - but I have meet many that are) - love it to death. But I have this special appreciation for the skill required to play so many styles, so well. While I have never heard Vai, Satch, Morse, or Lukather play death metal as an example - something tells me that if asked to - they could. Probably just as readily as if asked to play country licks, or jazz, or blues. It's not the guitar hero persona, it's the skill to tackle it all I appreciate.

Just my 2 cents for what little it's worth :)