Steven Tyler’s Teenage Girlfriend Tells Her Side Of The Story


Feb 9, 2009
So I know that Steven Tyler isn't metal, but I figured this was worth a look. I've never been a fan, and I'm even less of one now. In fact, I can definitely say that I will never buy one of his albums after hearing about Steven Tyler's crappy past, and how he continues to play the victim in what looks like a really tragic story of how he exploited a teenage girl.

Steven Tyler’s Teenage Girlfriend Tells Her Side Of The Story
If we only paid attention to entertainers we found to be morally sound, we'd be without much of our entertainment. Probably the way we ought to live.
Yeah, yanno I doubt that all the guys in all the bands I like do everything that I'd agree with.. but holy crap, this is on a whole other level of shitty.
I'm calling bullshit on 75% of that story. You dont keep a tale like that under wraps for 30 + years, its fiction plain and simple
I'm calling bullshit on 75% of that story. You dont keep a tale like that under wraps for 30 + years, its fiction plain and simple


I'm just gonna note that you're like, the 3rd guy to say this.

Now, I dissagree, but only because she chose to come out with this story after Steven Tyler began bemoaning his experiences with abortion. Basically, she came out with the story to clear the air, because she felt abused by how he was putting it. She didn't come out with it, out of nowhere.

It started with this:

Post-Abortion Trauma
Steven Tyler is a freak... whether this story is true or not, it's not like anyone should be surprised. The big question is... it's an alleged story about a 70s rocker who was heavy into drugs and probably did a lot of "weird" shit back in the day... so who really cares?
More like people don't sit on secrets that can get them quite a few hundreds of thousands of dollars...

I wouldn't say that... I haven't heard Steven's side of the story, but if he suddenly came out and started slandering her over the incident (or even if he just happened to start talking about it), I could see her finally deciding to speak up.

More appropriately, it's a "he said, she said" situation at this point. Thirty years later, it's impossible to point the finger at one party or the other. And nobody try to tell me that she was seventeen, and she didn't know what she was doing. Seventeen is old enough to take responsibility for your own body and your own decisions.
And nobody try to tell me that she was seventeen, and she didn't know what she was doing. Seventeen is old enough to take responsibility for your own body and your own decisions.

While I agree with you, he was also her legal guardian, and she literally had nowhere else to go. She was uneducated, addicted to the drugs that he provided her with, and in that situation I don't think she was given much choice in the matter. You can certainly place blame on her for not sticking up for herself, but she'd been dating Steven Tyler since she was 14. That's a long time, for a teenager. Especially a strung-out one.
While I agree with you, he was also her legal guardian, and she literally had nowhere else to go. She was uneducated, addicted to the drugs that he provided her with, and in that situation I don't think she was given much choice in the matter. You can certainly place blame on her for not sticking up for herself, but she'd been dating Steven Tyler since she was 14. That's a long time, for a teenager. Especially a strung-out one.

Yeah, there was obviously a really icky power imbalance going on here. Not only was he already full decade older than her at the time (and I don't think 17 is as mature as people here are trying to make it out to be, especially since she was psychologically in a bad place) but... becoming her legal guardian? Throwing her birth control pills away? There are so many things wrong with that. Euugh. -shudders-
I'm calling bullshit on 75% of that story. You dont keep a tale like that under wraps for 30 + years, its fiction plain and simple

Tell that to all the ADULTS who came out about being molested as altar boys by their priests, or people that come back from WAR scarred for life into old age, keeping their secrets to themselves. Some people do not have the ability to come out about these things.

That being said, and I didn't read the entire article so sorry if I'm missing something, but Duchess are you mad at Steven JUST because they took her to get an abortion? Or was there something else he did? I'm curious, as I may have missed something.
but Duchess are you mad at Steven JUST because they took her to get an abortion? Or was there something else he did? I'm curious, as I may have missed something.

I think it's more the fact that he was a strung-out druggie who took legal control over a minor so he could have sex with her. >_> The abortion thing was just the icing on a really perverted cocaine-cake.
Seventeen is old enough to take responsibility for your own body and your own decisions.

I agree. Being 17 doesn't mean you aren't capable of making your own decisions, even if they're bad ones - and being 18 or 21 isn't any better from the perspective of adult experience. Which doesn't mean Steven Tyler isn't a sleazebag, mind you.

And Ted Nugent did much the same thing - became legal guardian of a 17 yr old so he could schlep her.
As I always say, I try to separate the art from the person. For crying out loud, I'm probably one of the biggest Woody Allen fans you'll ever meet. However, I totally don't agree with what he did and I won't defend him in terms of what he did, but I'll always love his movies regardless.
I think it's more the fact that he was a strung-out druggie who took legal control over a minor so he could have sex with her. >_> The abortion thing was just the icing on a really perverted cocaine-cake.

Yeahh, this... and the fact that he made the situation all about him and went, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!/1/1" in regards to the abortion and not everything else he did to her. :|