Steven Tyler’s Teenage Girlfriend Tells Her Side Of The Story

Tell that to all the ADULTS who came out about being molested as altar boys by their priests, or people that come back from WAR scarred for life into old age, keeping their secrets to themselves. Some people do not have the ability to come out about these things

This is so true. Especially about the coming back from WAR scarred. You tend to push it to the very back of your mind, and try not to remember it or even think about it, but then one day out of the blue, it raises it's ugly head, and guess what, you fall into a dark hole, and if your not lucky enough to have someone notice, then you will stay there, but if your lucky enough to have a wife, and children and close friends and a family Doctor that notice a change(not for the good) in you, then you can get the help you need and beat these demons that cause you to sometimes just curl up in a corner and cry. This is a very life altering situation, and folks I know this frist hand, as it happened to me, and I am just now able to discuss it openly. and the circumstances happened more than 20 years ago.
Yeahh, this... and the fact that he made the situation all about him and went, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!/1/1" in regards to the abortion and not everything else he did to her. :|

Yeah, that too. I'm not surprised Tyler did drugs and had lots of sex, who would? It's more the whole creepy sex-with-a-minor thing that I was a little surprised at.

I mean.. it started at 14. 14!! And he was in his 20's?? :ill:
And Ted Nugent did much the same thing - became legal guardian of a 17 yr old so he could schlep her.

Yeah, he's an absolute piece of shit. That's just one thing atop a pile of disgusting things he's done. Badmouthing Dimebag Darrell after his death comes to mind too.
And now after reading it, yeah, Tyler was a douche, but at the same time, this girl isn't completely innocent either.

Yeah, because I'm totally just going to man it up when i'm strung out on coke and left alone in an apartment.

I don't think people really appreciate what kind of mental state being used up like that puts you in. THe way she describes the things that happened sound a *lot* like how pimps groom young girls into being prostitutes with vague promises of affection and drugs. I don't think it's entirely fair to expect of someone between the ages of 14 and 17 to suddenly "wake up" and have some life-changing epiphany which also gifts them with the knowledge and friend/family network that it takes in order to actually get out of a situation like that. You know it's like "well the girl could have said no" and while that is certainly true to an extent, it's also ignoring the whole psychology of power imbalances. How can you say "no" when it never occurs to you that there's any other choice but yes?
I don't think people really appreciate what kind of mental state being used up like that puts you in. THe way she describes the things that happened sound a *lot* like how pimps groom young girls into being prostitutes with vague promises of affection and drugs. I don't think it's entirely fair to expect of someone between the ages of 14 and 17 to suddenly "wake up" and have some life-changing epiphany which also gifts them with the knowledge and friend/family network that it takes in order to actually get out of a situation like that. You know it's like "well the girl could have said no" and while that is certainly true to an extent, it's also ignoring the whole psychology of power imbalances. How can you say "no" when it never occurs to you that there's any other choice but yes?

THANK YOU. :kickass: