Sticky: Ask Yanko!


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
That's right folks, ask Yanko on anything you want from the horrible Frostbite accident that took his dick or the time he woke up drunk with Brian Boytano, Sally Struthers, Prince Albert, Fred Durst, Rosie O' Donnell, Jerry Springer, Tony Blair, Hugh Jackman, Kim Goss and a midget all in the same bed naked!

It's a fun filled thread where you can learn a lot from this troll fucker!

The Yanko has a very busy schedule having sex with people's moms so your question may not be answered right away. But don't fret! Dickless will answer your questions as soon as he is done. Also, keep in mind that when the Anal Craving Ass Snake doesn't get his fresh meat, he may go into Super Ogre mode where he puts underwear and drumsticks on his head, then begins to chase people around the streets near his house. So please, feed the Yanko.
Hey Yanko! First I would like to thank you for everything that you do! And for being here with us - FANS! It's so great to see you being so down to earth not some badattitude prick. It's really awesome!!!! Anyways! My question is: Does it hurt to have your penis frostbitten?
PS. Can I hang out with you when you're on tour?
ok people, first of all i did not lose my dick in it's entirety.
It was only a part of it, so now it would be considered of a "big but human proportion".
The funny thing is that for some reason, i started singing that Brian Boitano song today, without even seeing this topic, so there, i think i also have mystical shamanistic powers of predicting stuff.

So answering ralf: well, it didn't hurt much cause it was all frozen and all, but the psychological pain was very intense. As for joining my tour, feel free to, i'd be delighted to have a polish latin lover as my sidekick.

And i do it all for you people, so ask away

-- Yanko the Jackal and the SHOE! :zombie: zombie

Yanko do you give airdrumming lessons and if so how much do you charge. Thanks!;)
Can moderator delete all off topic posts, please? I don't want some important questions be missed by Yanko because of all that useless crap.
you know, i never thought about giving AD lessons. But maybe i'll eventually launch a site where i teach how to airdrum like a true master, and give eventual lessons of stupidity so you can record what you learn and post it on places millions of people can see and think you're utterly stupid.
Now that's something to look forward to :p
Ralf said:
Can moderator delete all off topic posts, please? I don't want some important questions be missed by Yanko because of all that useless crap.
Back off Ralf, Yanko already answered your stupid question!Yanko fannyboy!:p
Southern Belle in Hell said:
Back off Ralf, Yanko already answered your stupid question!Yanko fannyboy!

you're just jealous because I was THE FIRST to get answer from Yanko!!! HA! YOU CAN BITE ME!!!! Aeuhuahuaheuaheua!!!! SHUT YOUR FANNYBAWS!
TheSeldomlaid said:
Did your sack get hurt when your penis got frostbitten?

what a stupid question!!! I don't believe it!!! PFFffffff of course it did DUH!