Still Day Beneath The Sun - Vinyl?


Jul 12, 2008
Just curious if the song appears on any of the Blackwater Park pressings at all? I really love the song and am really curious to hear it on vinyl.
you see them on vinyl on ebay all the time, usually go for between 60-90$, i got mine for about 70$

it appears on the rerelease of blackwater park (the 2 disc edition) if im not mistaken
The black vinyl version is still available as an exclusing through the band's webstore, still at £40.

I have parted ways with my black vinyl ones already, I have only kept the grey vinyl one (a gift from the coolest and possibly most elusive member of this forum!).

Both tracks are available on the special editions of BWP. Both amazing tracks. One of them was also available on a MFN promo CD too, although I cannot remember which track now. The CD was called "Futures" from memory, it is around here somewhere too.
The black vinyl version is still available as an exclusing through the band's webstore, still at £40.

I have parted ways with my black vinyl ones already, I have only kept the grey vinyl one (a gift from the coolest and possibly most elusive member of this forum!).

Both tracks are available on the special editions of BWP. Both amazing tracks. One of them was also available on a MFN promo CD too, although I cannot remember which track now. The CD was called "Futures" from memory, it is around here somewhere too.

Was that member Mendez? Rofl.

Man that gray vinyl must be epic.