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Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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I was in a local indie store today and the guy hands me one of these "concrete planet" samplers. It's actually a pretty good one. Has Korn, SLAYER, Manson and others. But I was really excited because it had TWISTED SISTER doing WERE NOT GONNA TAKE IT from the new Spitfire release STILL HUNGRY.

I had been wanting to get that for a while and now that I've heard that key track I'm sorry to say I am glad I didn't spend money on it. I was really disappointed. From the way DEE and co talk it should have been more "beefed Up" and modern sounding. I pictured it sounding more aggressive and what not. It's a disaster.

I don't know how to describe it other than this: Have you ever known anybody who just started playing guitar and they finally learn the chords/riff to a song like ENTER SANDMAN? They have all the notes exactly right but the feeling is just not there. It sounds choppy or robotic. (no offense to any new guitarists...)That's how I thought this sounded. It lost its "anthemic" feeling. It sounded like the guys were just going through the motions in the studio. I think DEE sounds ok, but it's as if he's just reading the lyrics ho hum and singing along....he's not wailing by any means. It's just....gasp....weak! I can't think of ANY band that has redone a classic album and made it better....
The big hits aren't the big deal about the album. The awesome thing about the album is that the title track, "Don't Let Me Down", "Horror Terria", and "Burn In Hell" sound heavier than ever, much better than the thin and popish-produced originals.
I dunno, man. I respect you on this, JP, but I say the original rules. Of course, I haven't HEARD all of the new one so that makes me unqualified to judge it but after hearing one of the songs I grew up with (I used to play that song in my room before going to my little league games for petes sake!) butchered by the very band that created it...I just lost all interest....maybe if I see it used I'll pick it up.
I found the re recording hard to swallow. More so than the Megadeth remasters. Mustaine played around with certain aspects of the records, where Twisted went back a redid the entire record. Oh well, it's their legacy that they are tainting...
I loved the bonus tracks!
tedvanfrehley said:
nah, you're a great man with balls as big as churchbells!

For a second I thought I read "Balls as big as Churchill's" lol :tickled: R.I.P. .. damn i need a vacation too tired from work lately... but i agree with Ted... i like TS's original ... they shouldnt of redone it... has anyone heard Dimmu Borgir's version of Burn in Hell? ... it's on the 2 CD version of Death Cult Armageddon... I thought it was ok but don't know if im fond of the vocals for that version.. I guess I still like Dee's original version more...
Yes! I liked DIMMU doing Burn In Hell. And that's something I'd like to add. I think there are actually a lot of COVERS that blow the originals outta the water. Let's say, for instance, the mighty VAN HALEN doing YOU REALLY GOT ME or when METALLICA did TURN THE PAGE. I think those are great...there are many more.. But I have yet to hear an artist re-record their own song and do it any real beneficiary justice...remixing is one thing, but re-doing is another.
Another example of a re-mix/re-whateverthefuckhedid gone wrong is OZZY. Going back and re-doing BLIZZARD OF OZZ with new basslines?!?!?!? The album is totally different now. The nuances that you loved for so long are gone...even the "crazy train" sound is different. At least he left Bark at the Moon enough alone!
I've always been fond of referring to remastered albums as "Disastered" albums. I have no idea why bands fuck with things that shouldn't be fucked with, especially a classic album like Blizzard of Oz. Oh well, just my thoughts.
In my view, remastering doesn't alter things too much. Just increased volume and removes "hiss".

ReMIXING is a different story. I, for one, am all for it if done correctly. The Megadeth remixes are a prime example of that! I'd basically lost all interest in them....even in the classics. However, after hearing the remixed version of "My Last Words", I was floored. There were NOW nuances that didn't previously exist. It's as if the records have a new lease on life!

The Deep Purple reissues aslo feature a few bonus remix tracks. In almost every case, the remixes outshine the originals (or the remastered originals).

I'd actually love to see some of my fav bands do what Mustaine did & remix their back catalogs. We'd still have the originals to fall back on, so why not?

The Zeppelin catalog would be my first target!