Twisted Sister-Still Hungry 2004


Twisted Sister-Still Hungry

Spitfire Records 2004

What can you say? It’s all the tracks that were on Stay Hungry, with two tracks from the original sessions, that never made the record, plus 4 tracks recorded by the band in 2004 & the reunion track "Heroes are Hard to Find." I was never huge on the original record, but I figured I give this one a try. I will break it down like this, I have to say the material that I haven’t heard is great, from the lost tracks to the recently recorded tracks & "Heroes," is a fantastic track. It was the best thing about the whole "Starngeland" fiasco. As for messing with a record that has been a commercial success & seen as their "best" record, by the folks that grew up in the 80’s? Should have left it alone. While there are some reworked parts to some of the cuts and they do add something to them. The down fall is Dee’s lack of a voice, he can’t nail the notes like he could in ‘84. How could he? It’s been 20 years! Dee’s shortcumings are most evident on the hits, "We’re not Gonna Take It," "I Wanna Rock," "Burn in Hell," & "The Price." As for the production? I didn’t really see the need, Tom Werman has gotten a bad wrap by many of the bands that he worked with. What’s that about? He helped you sell records.The production is a little hollow sounding, it’s not much better, that Werman’s. This record would be most enjoyed by the Twisted faithful. While it isn’t bad, it isn’t the "better" version that Twisted promised. I was more impressed by the material that I hadn’t heard before. In closing, I chatting fellow on the net about the record. He said he was impressed by the sound samples he had heard. I told him that I was talking with Pete Townsend & Jeff Beck the other night & they said the same thing...:loco:


And now that I've just heard the whole record, I stand by my claim that Dee sounds pretty good on this rerecording. He compliments the (now much heavier and enjoyable) riffage quite nicely. :rock:
from the few tracks I heard of this, I am not liking Dee's voice ... and do not see the point of this re-recording.
The Price sounds totally butchered ... if they released this in 1984 ... you would have never heard of Twisted Sister today.