Tesla Into The Now 2004


Tesla-Into The Now 2004
Sanctuary Records


"Into the Now" marks the return of Tesla, since getting back together the band has toured the United States a pair of times, on package tours & have released a double live record. The record isn’t the typical Tesla that we are used to & expected. Gone are the blues influenced licks, replaced by razor sharp power chords & harder edgier playing by both Hannon & Skeoch. The drumming is still crushing, but there are also samples & other percussive accents, the bass playing is tight & Keith can still sing, his pipes haven’t aged a bit. When a band tries their hand at updating their sound to be more "current" there’s something that suffers. While, this isn’t a horrible record by any means, I find it very difficult to accept the direction that the band has chosen to head down. The songs aren’t lyrically well written, therefore it’s not their strongest outing. By far the worst track on this disc is "Mighty Mouse," yeah that’s right, you thought the title was bad? In many ways I would compare the experience to that of Dokken’s "Shadow Life",in the sense the band chose to stray from what had worked for so many years & what made them stand out from the pack. With that said, I hope that Tesla gotten over their need to experiment & down the road they choose to return to what is their signature sound.

I almost bought this because initial reviewers were sucking up to Tesla solely based on a comeback album but now from what I've heard of it, it's not nearly as good as I had hoped it would be. A shame, really, but at least they're still making music together. Better luck next time!