Still Life - DOUBLE VINYL!!!!

"I'd love to hear Orchid on vinyl."

Diddo (or something) :goggly:

If you really want one and can't find one go to which has the first three i think.
I don't know what the quality of of the first ones is like. The Still Life one (and BWP) are probably much better.
"The HMV superstore in Toronto has BWP on vinyl, but other than that, I have no idea."

And it seems on there website has the original opeth ablums with the logo not present one the cover.(not that it matters)
-CA-CHING- I just bought Orchid. Nothing else right now. I guess I'll let you know how it sounds. Then again, someone needs to answer my "Listening Pleasures" thread so I can buy a decent turntable. Sure I can get one without any advice, but I really thought that people that frequent this board would be the people to ask.


Nonetheless, thanks Nightflier. Sometimes I doubt things being in stock because other items from that era are hardly ever available. The only thing I can think of at the moment to compare it to is Orchid shirts.
Opet: No problemo. As a matter of fact I just finished purchasing Orchid vinyl myself :rolleyes: how could I pass it up? I was fed up looking around for it in Canada so....yippe!
If a record can only hold 50 minutes, how fucking shit is that? Why would you want old shitty technology that doesn't work?
This same mentallity is what causes old people to have fits when they see computers... "OH NOES TEH COMPUTErS IS THE WORK OF THE EVIL CHRISTIUAN SATAN THE DEVIL OF SATANS AND OF EVILS AND THE FUTUER!!!!!! and evil..."

But they'd look good on a wall...

mmmm.. entire emperor discography on my wall... mmmm.... (Saw all four albums on vinyl, beautiful artwork, at metal mayhem in melbourne.. I wants. )

the end